Etikettarkiv: serbia

Signs in Hotels

Sometimes you find rather amusing signs in hotels. The first one is from ”Hotel Moscow” in Belgrade, Serbia where there was this curious switch on the wall:

Don't Trouble

It took me a while to figure out what this switch does. First I thought it was a warning but then I realised that ”Don’t Trouble” actually meant ”do not disturb”. Quite obvious really and in this way it was a very cool thing. Flip the switch and a light goes on outside the door that you do not wish to be disturbed. Another light at the reception shows that they can hold your phone calls if you wish.

The next one is from a hotel at Kings Cross in England, it is the Holiday Inn where I stayed in the summer 2006 for two weeks:

Instructions for the British

It says:

Holiday Inn (R)

Instructions for Operating Your Water Temperature

1. Turning the temperature control anti- clockwise (to the left) increases your water temperature.

2. Depressing the red button and continuing to run anti-clockwise (to the left) will increase the water temperature further.

A full manual for operating the shower. Interesting – and yet in a different british hotel where there really should have been a manual for how to operate the shower there were of course none.

In this place there was a single wheel. You turn and the shower start dripping cold water, you turn more it floods with cold water. Took a while and two engineers to figure out that if you kept turning more and more and more eventually you got lukewarm water.

Typically British!