Alla inlägg av Ichimusai

Training wk 17

This week was actually very good, personal best on one run (6,5 km) and generally good workouts all over. 5 workouts in the same week and over 4 hours spent running. That is exactly what I was going for so I feel really good about that.

Although several runs felt rather shitty this week I also had a very good one. Strange how that works really, my sunday run which was going to be a nice slow jogg for about 8,5 km over Järvafältet and back again was terrible. Hard winds did their thing but I also had trouble pushing on and I ended up walking short periods to get my muscles back in order.

Day by day

7 km in Svinninge with Jenny and Linda, good run, lots of hills, about 200 height meters to cross which definitely was a good workout!
4,3 km asphalt in Kallhäll – one of my old runs that I really like sometimes. Felt good this one.
6,5 km to Jakobsberg and back again on the other side of the rail tracks. A new fave of mine with about 2/3 on asphalt and 1/3 on gravel road.
Resting day
6,5 km to Jakobsberg and back again, this time personal best for the distance!
Resting day
A miserable 8,5 km run that never felt really good. It was just painful from start to end but I managed to get through it. 8:40 tempo.

This Week

Total distance 35.54 km Total tim 4:38:58 HMS
Avg tempo 8:19 min/km Avg. speed 7.2 km/h
Max. HR 174 bpm Avg. HR 149 bpm
Training Effect 4.2 TE/EPOC Energy spent 3 962 kcal
VO2(max) 33 ml/kg/min Peak EPOC 221 ml/kg
Max. ventilation 87 l/min Max breathing 42 bpm

Last Week

Total distance 26.8 km Total tim 4:03:42 HMS
Avg tempo 9:06 min/km Avg. speed 6.6 km/h
Max. HR 173 bpm Avg. HR 148 bpm
Training Effect 4 TE/EPOC Energy spent 3 032 kcal
VO2(max) 32 ml/kg/min Peak EPOC 169 ml/kg
Max. ventilation 93 l/min Max breathing 42 bpm

Did about 10 km more this week than last week. Can explain why my legs are a little bit more tired this Sunday than what I want them to be. But I onlu spent about 30 min extra in workout which means my pace has picked up a bit. Average pace was 8:19 compared to 9:06 last week which is definitely a difference.

I spent about 1000 kcal more running this week than last. Good development really. Heart rates are the same but one interesting thing stands out, the ventilation has increased. I think I know which run this is, that was the friday run where I was running much harder than normal and had to really think about breathing to get enugh oxygen in.

Kritik mot SJ I sociala media

Den 18/4 publicerade Internetworld en artikel som handlar om kritik mot SJ i sociala media. I artikelns låter man tre personer som är duktiga på kommunikation komma till tals mot hur SJ använder exmpelvis twitter. Det finns förstås en del att läsa och ta till sig om detta men det finns också ett par missar i artikeln som jag tycker är värd att notera.

Brit Stakson invänder att kommunikationen är spretig och att man ”verkar sakna strategier för grundläggande kommunikation”. Det tror jag inte alls är är fallet, tvärt om säger SJ att man har en redaktionell handbok över hur man skall agera och där beskrivs också saker som vilken ton man skall hålla. Nu har jag inte sett denna handbok men om den liknar andra handböcker i ämnet jag sett tidigare är det lätt att tänka sig att den är också föremål för tolkning och spretigheten kan komma från att folk tolkar den annorlunda i olika situationer av olika personer. Twitter är också till och med informellare än Facebook och anses dessutom som ett rätt flyktigt medium, vilket betyder att det kanske inte finns anledning att agera på exakt samma sätt som i andra kommunikationskanaler.

Maria Höglund på SJ säger i denna artikel att ”I den står bland annat om tonalitet för inläggen och vad vi svarar på och inte” vidare kommenterar Jenny Gejke ”…att det skall vara en personlig, men inte privat ton och personerna som svarar skriver inte under med namn, all kommunikation sker i företagets namn”. Detta leder mig att tro att det faktiskt finns en sådan handbok som Brit efterlyser.

Att man sedan skriver ”kram” under snökaos och elände kan väl kanske tolkas som att man blivit just privat snarare än personlig men det kan också vara ett tecken på deltagande när folk har hamnat i ett utsatt läger pga omständigheter som inte nödvändigtvis enbart är SJ:s fel.

Kristoffer Björkman kritiserar att SJ saknar ett modernt verktyg för kundsupport på sin egen webbplats. Det kan jag hålla med om, sociala media finns t.ex. inte där man kanske förväntar sig det under ”kontakt” utan på en egen lite undanstoppad flik. Ostrategiskt faktiskt. Men sedan gör han ett stort misstag när han inte verkar förstå hur Twitter används i sådana här sammanhang, han skriver:

”En annan sak som förbryllar mig är varför någon (annan än den mest hängivne tågresenären tillika SJ-fanset) skulle vara intresserad av att följa @SJ_AB? Vem vill ha en uppsjö kundtjänst-tweets till sin Twitter-ström.”

Det stora flertalet av oss, som inte pendlar dagligdags med SJ, har inte @SJ_AB i vår twitterström. Vi har dem på en lista där man kan samla lite andra bra-att-ha-saker i sammahanget som t.ex. krisinformation, vädervarningar, annan relevant samhällsinformation om t.ex. större ström avbrott, SMHI:s varningar och annat.

Denna lista tittar man i när man har anledning att göra det, då får man snabbt den senaste informationen och ser dessutom dialogen som redan pågår, man kan lätt hoppa in och kommentera och skicka en fråga och gissningsvis är det så de flesta hanterar detta precis som annan information.

Under en dialog med SJ över Twitter så följer man som regel en viss konversation i stället och även det har de flesta klienter och twitters webbsida stöd för så nej, de flesta låter inte SJ spamma ner twitterflöded med irrelevant reklam.

Ett annat problem är dock att man stänger butiken lite tidigt ibland. Men närman gör det fortsätter man hjälpa folk per telefon. Det har också hänt att man förlängt öppettiderna på twitter exempelvis fram till kl 21 och det är hedervärt. Helst vore det ju bra om man kunde ha bemanning dygnet runt men man skall komma ihåg att Twitter är ändå ganska nytt i sammanhanget.

En väldigt stor fördel med Twitter är också att andra resenärer ibland har värdefull information och tips till resenärer som har råkat illa ut. Man får inte glömma att det är just detta som är styrkan med Twitter och att det är en multifunktionell, multifrontal kommunikationskanal som når många i det närmaste omedelbart och kopplar ihop människor helt adhoc men som för stunden delar ett gemensamt intresse.

Och informationen är flyktig.

Android runner app: iMapMyRun

I was prompted on Twitter to test out the Android mobile app ”iMapMyRun” and so I did today. My first impression was that the software is not there yet, it has not reached a mature enough state to seriously compete with BuddyRunner or Endomondo or CardioTrainer or to be used even for beginners.

When registering I got buttons to select imperial/european units but none of the buttons seemed to work when I pressed them and in the end I had to chose to move on. When I did so I could not find another way to go back and change the settings, nor could I update my personal data such as weight and so on.

Today I took it for a test run and I used other tracking software at the same time. After about 2/3 of the way the iMapMyRun software stopped recording it seems and instead it just plotted the last position when I turned it off at my finish. Therefore it just went in a straight line for the last 1/3 of the run. Definitely something fishy was going on there. Neither did it record the GPS elevation data for some reason, the accompanying web site says ”There was an error retrieving the elevation”, I have no idea why. Of my 5 km run this app recorded only 3.

Both other recording apps (Google Tracks and Endomondo) worked fine through all this. On top of all that it feels unintuitive and quirky and a little backwards but that may be just me expecting things from being used to the other apps in this field.

When the workout finished I got a ridiculous question about peanyut butter, an ad that felt intrusive and out of place. Peanut butter is hardly the stuff for athletes so it felt rather misplaced. The whole app and the accompanying web site is riddled with ads. If you are viewing your runs, you have to upgrade to the payed version or wait 15 seconds before you can see your run. Again it is not on the level with the competing softwares in this respect.

My recommendation is to wait and see if this app matures. In the mean time check out BuddyRunner or Endomondo, both very mature and well working GPS tracking apps for runners.

It gets one running shoe out of five for now.

Training Wk16

This week, easter week was a very good week actually. Foodwise we kept in check and I had some really good runs including my first 10 km run this year. Weather has been perfect for outdoors activities so it has been a real pleasure to be outdoor this week. Dun has been nice and warm but in the nights the temperatures drops down and best runs are done in the afternoons really.

I have started using a new sports tracker on my Android phone called Endonundo and so far, for all similar softwares I have tested this one seems to be best of them all. I also love the BuddyRunner software but Endomondo does very much the same thing but has even better statistics.

Day by day

speed in the forest, 2.35 km in 6:36 tempo, pretty good for being me actually, I was very happy with that.
Altorp 6.7 km with Jenny, had a really good time as always and although I came home late it was a really good run that.
Resting, no training.
My first 10 km this year. Eastern Järvafältet and that was good as well, but HARD. I was struggling at the end to keep it together and I had some walks in the middle of it as well but I did it even if it took me 99 minutes.
My first 10 km run this year
Short runt at home, a very slow run to just flex everything up a bit from the 10 km the day before.
A 5km run a new route I have not done before. Down to the Görväln castle and then back home again. Beautiful run but some hills that was really straining and by now I am starting to feel the miles in my legs this week. Decided this was last for this week!

This week

Total distance 26.8 km Total tim 4:03:42 HMS
Avg tempo 9:06 min/km Avg. speed 6.6 km/h
Max. HR 173 bpm Avg. HR 148 bpm
Training Effect 4 TE/EPOC Energy spent 3 032 kcal
VO2(max) 32 ml/kg/min Peak EPOC 169 ml/kg
Max. ventilation 93 l/min Max breathing 42 bpm

Last week

Total distance 16,8 km Total tim 1:19:16 HMS
Avg tempo 8:29 min/km Avg. speed 8.29 km/h
Max. HR 175 bpm Avg. HR 153 bpm
Training Effect 5 TE/EPOC Energy spent 1 162 kcal
VO2(max) 32 ml/kg/min Peak EPOC 159 ml/kg
Max. ventilation 96 l/min Max breathing 45 bpm

10 km more than last week is not horse manure. Probably too much of an increase in a single week but I feel good nevertheless. Time spent training also increased to more than the double, not bad at all but my average time dropped with 30 s/km. Not too surprising, longer runs and more km into the legs. Spending almost 3 times the amount of energy on running as last week, yay, almost two days worth of food.

Average heartrate has dropped a bit, longer and slower running and perhaps a bit better condition as well but the max hartrate is very similar and shows that I am still about 10 beats from maxing out. Good thing, don’t wanna do that alone… tried it once and i had such a bad tunnel vision I thought I was gonna faint.

Training effect is a 4 which is great compared to a 5 last week which was overtraining. Getting better at keeping slow on the long runs and not over-excerting myself to the point of breaking down rather than building up.

Ventilation and breathing is up a little though VO2max seems very similar. A higher peak EPOC and a lower Training Effect just means I have leveled on the training effect scale (to a level 6.0 from a 5.0 where I started).

Tomorrow is a resting day and then monday is a free day, I will see if my good friend Jenny can manage a nice run together then, looking forward to the next time.

Weight wise I have gone up 0.5 kg this week. Still keeping diet but I have also noticed my legs are getting stronger. I believe I am building more muscle. This is good, it means I will be able to run faster and longer and increase my metabolic rate even when I sleep. Good stuff that.

Jag vill bara tipsa om denna fantastiska sida för alla som är intresserade av vad man äter. Den är baserad på Livsmedelsverkets databas över näringsämnen i olika typer av mat, såväl rå som halv- eller helfabricerade rätter.

Men det fina med är att man kan göra slagningar i databasen baserat på vilken typ av energi man vill ladda med. Fantastiskt för den som tränar egentligen. Man kan exempelvis tänka sig att man vill ha livsmedel med högt proteininnehåll men hålla nere energivärdet, då slår man t.ex. på livsmedel som innehåller >10 g protein men <5g kolhydrater och <5g fett. Då får man bland annat fram saker som:

Älgkött (högrev, kalops, köttfärssås), Biff stroganoff på nötkött, Hargryta, Hummer, Kassler, Keso, Krabba, Kycklingsallad med dressing, Löjrom, Musslor, Nötköttgryta med lök, tomat, morötter o rotselleri, Hårdost 5%, Quorn, Sniglar (vinbärssnäckor) och konserverad torskrom.

Eller om man laddar inför ett träningspass, då kanske man vill ha en tonvikt på kolhydrater, inte för mycket fett och fortfarande protein och gör en slagning på >10g kolhydrater, >5g protein och <10g fett:

Äggkaka, Äggnudlar, Ärtsoppa, Bagel med lax o philadelphiaost, Baguette m. skinka, sallat, lättmajonnäs; Bruna bönor, Bulgur, Couscous, Fiskgratäng, Ärtor (gröna eller gula), Knäckebröd med fibrer, Havregrynsgröt…

Som sagt fantastisk. Och vi lär oss i påsktider att ägg ger oss ca 140 kcal per 100g.

Samsung och Apple

Apple stämmer Samsung för att de har plagierat Appels design när det gäller iPhone och iPad. Man kan nog hålla med att exempelvis en Samsung Galaxy S är väldigt lik en Apple iPhone 3G men det är ju en utgången modell nu när iPhone 4 kommit så vad är det egentliga problemet kan man tycka? Kanske är det mer känsligt på iPad-fronten men faktum är ju att plattorna med Android som operativsystem inte har en lika stor fanbase som Apple har och har inte sålt lika bra.

I vilket fall kan man nog tycka att det kanske inte var det smartaste draget Apple har gjort. Samsung tillverkar flera vitala komponenter i både iPhone och iPad och Apple har dessutom använt ett antal tekniker som Samsung har patent på vilket medför att Samsung motstämmer Apple just på grund av detta.

Det här är rätt vanligt i mobilbranschen och är ett sätt för konkurrenterna att jaga varandra men i det här fallet då Samsung är en komponentleverantör till Apple synes det mig extra klumpigt av Apple att göra på det här sättet.


Jag tycker att Annika Lantz gör ett storslaget jobb i många sammanhang. En av de riktigt fina sakerna är att höja medvetenheten om tinnitus på ett engagerande sätt. Många har ju pratat om det men här har man låtit olika kändisar få beskriva hur deras tinnitus egentligen låter. Det gör att åtminstone jag, som varit förskonad från åkomman hittills, får en helt ny förståelse över hur det är att leva med något sådant.

Jag är imponerad över enkelheten och genomslagskraften i presentationen av olika kändisars tinnitus och hur många olika varianter det finns… tinnitus beskrivs ju rätt torftigt när man läser om det men man inser att besvären yttrar sig på oerhört olika vis. Följ denna länk och lyssna på tinnitusljud.

Training Wk15

Three good workouts this week!

First on Tuesday started out nice together with Jenny in Näsbypark, a 7 km mainly on asphalt but with a bit of trail as well. Good workout and lovely dinner as well. Got home rather late from that however, takes time going from Täby to Järfälla although you could drive there in about 20 minutes.

Second workout was my favourite route here close at home. A long startup and then two laps with a finish down at the lake. Chose the middle tough route on one of the laps, in total about 5 km and even if my condition is now improving after the flu it was still tough.

Third workout was a 5 km in Altorp together with Jenny again. Very good quality run, lovely weather, really really good run.

Total distance 16,8 km Total tim 1:19:16 HMS
Avg tempo 8:29 min/km Avg. speed 8.29 km/h
Max. HR 175 bpm Avg. HR 153 bpm
Training Effect 5 TE/EPOC Energy spent 1 162 kcal
VO2(max) 32 ml/kg/min Peak EPOC 159 ml/kg
Max. ventilation 96 l/min Max breathing 45 bpm

A few obvious tips

Are you using a pulse watch to track your training? Has a foot pod tracking your cadence, speed and pace when running? If you have there are a few things you may not think of that are actually rather obvious and just because of that they are easy to forget.

Battery change
When it is time to change the battery in any one of the following devices; pulse belt, foot pod, wrist watch connecting to the above, GPS pod, bike pod etc, change all the batteries. One lost stats when out is okay in a year but several is highly annoying. By changing all batteries at once you can probably go for another full year before you have to change them again.
Foot pod depletes unexplicably
Some foot pods, like mine from Suunto, starts when they feel acceleration. This means pretty much any vibration. Have your gymbag in the car for a few days when driving around? Keeping your sneakers in a backpack to and from work? Chances are the foot pod activates and depletes the battery without you working out.
Pulse belt depletes unexplicably
Pulse belts are usually activated by moisture. So if you keep it in your gym bag with your used workout clothes, chances are it keeps trying to find your pulse for hours and hours. Leave it over night a few times like this and it definitely is noticeable on the battery life. Some pulse belts like the Suunto is connected to the sensor and when disconnected it stays off so it does not suffer the same problem.
GPS pod
GPS pods generally has an on/off switch. Switch off when not in use of course.

Running project – still on it

I have not been writing much about my workouts here lately. The reasons are that I, as usual, lost the continuity in my workouts when the snow came, it is of course entirely possible to run in snow but I am not a very keen snow-jogger I must admit. Running indoors, while good for stuff like interval training is making me more or less mental really after a while. I actually read a book las time I ran my usual 5 click on the treadmill, that’s how tedious that is, staring out over the usually empty gym. I wish there was a TV set to watch the news or something while you are beating the treadmill.

But now the outdoorsy environment is back on track again, spring albeit very late this year is finally here, and it is definitely weather to go out and run which I did start off well enough and then suddenly came the flu and put and eand to my running efforts for about 3 weeks. My flu was not really that bad, about 4 days of fever but then a long recovery before I was actually feeling well enough to go running.

And now I am doing it again. Working my way back up into some kind of shape and I actually like it a lot − especially since my good friend Jenny has gone running with me again, we have been out three times now this year and every time is really good!

The routine is as usual, trying to get 3 quality runs in every week, no matter really the days, trying to get rest between the runs but I am actually about to violate this right now since I am actually scheduled to run tomorrow evening but I just can’t resist the woods right now so I will go and run a short but fun track, about 3 km is what I had in mind.

Me before a run at my favourite track

I have also limited my energy intake to about 2000 kJ less than usual (that’s around 500 kcal for you non-SI guys) which means I have started to shed some of the excess weight. I hope to be able to shed some 20 kg or so until the Kista race takes place in November. After that I should loose another 10 kg and I should have reached a reasonable goal weight for my kind of height but my first goal is to get 10 kg lighter. I think it will improve my running a lot.

I am starting my 3 rd week now of food planning (dieting sounds so dull, does it not?) and it is actually going pretty well. This weekend has been a bit over the energy budget however, it was also planned, the move night with the guys is once a month and that night I will drink beer, eat what I want and have a good time.

So that is what has been going on at this front for a while. I am also happy that some friends from Wales will be coming over this summer to do some hiking in the highlands and out in the archipelago. Need some fitness there as well since walking up- and downhill in the highlands carrying what you need is also pretty tough sometimes. I need some good maps to plan the trip which I have ordered both in digital and paper form, it will be really nice!

I have not been in these highlands for about 10 years so it will be like a completely new thing for me as well. I am planning for 2 nights camping out in the free, so I need to go through my gear to see the tent and everything is in good working condition as well as the backpack and hiking boots and so on. We are likely to go the first week in August as it seems now and I am so looking forward to it.