Kategoriarkiv: English

My .emacs and .gnus files

Here are my settings files for Emacs that I use as an editor pretty much everywhere. The gnus file is only necessary if you intend to read your mail and Usenet news from your Emacsen. Otherwise the emacs configuration file is quite enough.

Download them and place them in your home directory, rename them to .emacs and .gnus and then play along with them. If you already have your configuration files there, please make sure you back them up first.

LaTeX page re-opened

Finally here is my old LaTeX page re-opened for everyone who is involved in writing technical documentation. I hope that you will have lots of good use for this. I still see people linking to this page so therefore I am hoping that the re-opening should be something that benefits everyone.

On this page are lots of various collected nice to know things as well as a swedish style sheet and two templates, one for technical documentation and one for writing a business-like commercial letter.

Tills sist så har min sida åter öppnats om typsättningsspråket LaTeX där det finns en massa tips och tricks för den som fortfarande ägnar sig åt detta. Jag ser fortfarande dagligen folk som länkar till den gamla sidan så genom att ge den nya samma URL hoppas jag att ni hittar tillbaka igen.

På denna sida finns en massa olika saker som jag samlat på mig genom åren och det inkluderar också ett svenst stylesheet för typsättning av svenska dokument, en mall för teknisk dokumentation samt en mall för att skriva brev.

Training Wk 42-44

Been awfully bad now for the last couple of weeks again. Feet has still had problems with the urtikaria rashes which has made it hard to run and I don’t really fancy other forms of workout that much. Swimming would be an option but it takes a lot of time to go there and do the workout and come back showered and all.

But, I did another 4 km today and it felt pretty good. My usual track around the Slammertorp cottage (2 laps on the easy path) and the time was about 8:30 min/km so not bad for not having been out much the last couple of weeks.

Gonna do better now, I promise. Feet feels nice tonight actually.

Hi, I’m Pooh

I had some friends over at the studio some time ago for some portrait works and also child shots. This one became my favourite and I am sure you can see why this was…

Hi, I am Pooh.
Hi, I am Pooh.

Hade några vänner över för att ta lite porträtt och familjebilder och det här blev den bild som jag personligen tyckte mest om efter den sessionen. Det är väl inte så svårt att förstå varför?

Training wk 41

So two runs this week. Starting to get back into the habit is hard however. I really miss the shape I was in a month ago but I will get there soon!

Did two runs this week, both of them were horrible, the first was a 4 km run at an extremely low pace, 9:15 min/km and today I did another one at 8:40 min/km but that was only a 3 km run. My body really did not want to run today so it was all in my mind really. I had set out to do 4 km today as well but my body refused to do more than 2. So we reached a kind of compromise on 3 km. Not that good really but I think it is going the right way slowly. Next week it will start feel better I’m sure.



First run in a month

My last logged run was september 7 and today is october 7. I set out not knowing what my condition would be like but my usual warmup walking rendered about 15 bpm higher heart beat than I remembered so that was definitely an indication that it was going to get tough.

And it did. I managed to get around 2 laps of my usual track and it took 37 minutes to complete 4 km. However even if the tempo of 9:15/km is just a sliver better than walking real fast, I actually did it. I tried to keep my pulse around 160-165, I have found it gives me the best burn workout I can get. At this heart rater I can keep going for some time without stopping and it gives me a good workout with plenty of sweat.

Today it was difficult to keep that rater even with the really slow running. On the second lap it started to creep up beyond 170 bpm and several parts of the track was done around 170-175 bpm rather than the 160-165 that was my goal.

So definitely I have lost condition. I have also gained weight these four weeks but that is about to come right off again as I start running more regularly so I am not too worried about that right now. And condition comes rather fast, especially when you start low :)

Even though my 7 km run looks distant right now I am sure that in 3-4 weeks time I might be able to repeat it if my health stays okay, that is.