If you have like me used the HTC Magic built-in magnetic compass for a while you might have noticed that it is not always properly aligned. Here is a procedure to re-calibrate the compass and accelerometers in the mobile so that it should give you pretty accurate readings once more:
The calibration of the compass and accelerometers should now be pretty good. If at any time you feel the compass is not showing you the right direction or seems ”stuck” even if you are turning, then repeat this calibration and it will come alive again. Certain applications such as the metal detector application may also screw the calibration and you might need to repeat this after using such software. |
Om du som jag har använt dig av HTC Magics inbyggda kompass ett tag så har du kanske märkt att den inte alltid visar så rätt. Här nedan följer en procedur hur man kan få den kalibrerad enkelt och visa rätt igen:
Accelerometrarna i telefonen skall nu ha hittat sin jämvikt och kompassen bör stämma relativt väl. Du behöver göra om denna kalibrering ca 1 gång om dagen i normalfallet. |
Etikettarkiv: north
The Small House

The winding road by the North Atlantic Sea and a small house where a family lives.
A bright red roof offsetting the blue of the water and the nuances of the grassland around it.
The heavy rain clouds in the sky telling us that in five minutes there will be a downpour.
It may stop just as quickly again or it might continue for a day
but the weather is usually changing quite rapidly.
You can have sunshine, rain, storm, hail and then sunshine again all in one single afternoon.
These are the Faroe Islands.