Etikettarkiv: stockholm metro

Exam passed

So today was the day after three days of studying the TRI regs (trafiksäkerhetsinstruktion) and two tunnel walks track side in the Stockholm Metro with the last one guiding a bunch of people watching our for their security and acting as a lookout for oncoming trains I officially passed the category 16 examination.

I missed one point on the examination and got only 49/50 and that was a silly silly mistake because I rushed the question a bit. Darn.

I am now officially allowed to guide people track side, feels pretty good :)

Odenplan Metro Station

Odenplan metro station in the heart of the green line that is the oldest metro line in Stockholm is one of the most busy stations. During the peak-hours the traffic runs every three minutes or even faster some times, the trains are virtually tail to nose as they pass by.

Odenplan metro station. This shot was inspired by a similar shot from Stina's blog!

The above photo was inspired by Stina’s similar photograph of the same station.

I kind of like these older stations in the metro they are very fifties in a way and they have a very special feeling to them.

Busy-Busy - 3 minute traffic
3 minute traffic and oncoming trains all the time...

Check out Hötorget, S:t Eriksplan and Odenplan.