Kategoriarkiv: English

Samba does not start on boot in my Linux

Remember you can always check the status of samba using the commands

# service smbd status
# service nmbd status

I found that they where running and started as they should but still did not accept connections. The bind interfaces in my samba.conf file is the interfaces rather than the ip address but it does not seem to solve the problem. However restarting samba did solve the problem and I nailed it down to the ”Samba IP sensitivity problem”.

Samba really does not like when you use DHCP for the server and even if you set it up so that it always gets the same IP from the DHCP server it does not matter, Samba does not like it.

The simple solution to this is to add the two following lines to the last part of /etc/rc.local which is the script that runs last upon boot.

service smbd restart
service nmbd restart

However, also changing your networking setup to fixed IP generally works well, this is in case you do not want to do that or can’t do that.

Another way would be to change it to the dhcp lease script so when the samba server gets a new lease, an automatic restart of the related daemons happen. However, that would also interrupt any service being served at the moment and break long file transfers or streams. I would therefore advice against it.

The best solution so far is to use a fixed IP. The above workaround is a kludge. You have been warned.

Running Samba in Linux in less than 5 minutes

So you want to share files over the network with perhaps windows machines or you want to be able to have networked file systems that are not requiring Kerberos to become secure but there are something fishy going on with your Samba installation?

Read on, here is the recipe to get it going. First of all make sure you have samba installed. An easy way to check this is to type the following two comnmands:

# service smbd status
 smbd start/running, process 27562
# service nmbd status
 nmbd start/running, process 27540

If either of those are not running, please install the samba package on your machine according to your OS recommendations, it may differ slightly depending on Linux distribution.

When you are done with this it’s time to modify the configuration file for Samba. Use your favorite editor (as root) and start by backing up your original configuration file.

# cp -a /etc/samba/smb.cfg /etc/samba/smb.bak

Then start your favorite editor and start off with this configuration:

 workgroup = WORKGROUP # change this to be unique on your network
 domain master = yes # there can only be one master
 local master = yes
 preferred master = yes
 os level = 65

 server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
 name resolve order = bcast host

 interfaces = lo eth0
 bind interfaces only = yes

 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
 max log size = 10000
 syslog only = no
 syslog = 0

 map to guest = bad user

 comment = networked file system
 path = /mnt/guest # set this to your preferred place
 read only = yes
 guest ok = yes

 comment = private file system for anders
 path = /home/anders # be careful with your home folders
 read only = no
 guest ok = no
 valid users = anders

 comment = private file system anders
 path = /mnt/raid/google-drive # another folder requiring password
 read only = no
 guest ok = no
 valid users = anders

 comment = put your upload here
 path = /mnt/raid/upload # something where anyone can upload
 read only = no
 valid users = %S

Make sure the folders you have pointed out are actually valid folders. Then create the users needed to access the system:

# smbpasswd -a username

Type the password and create the users needed as per the shares that you have defined above. The valid users = %S means any user in the system can use that if they give the right password. To delete users from your samba system when no longer needed

# smbpasswd -x username

Next thing is to restard the name server for Samba and the actual server daemon:

# service nmbd restart
nmbd stop/waiting
nmbd start/running, process 28297
# service smbd restart
smbd stop/waiting
smbd start/running, process 28309

When this is done you should be able to connect giving the right username/password or as a guest if you have created the shares for the guest accounts.

Mounting the smb file system on a command line is done like this:

# mount -t cifs //server.name.or.ip/share /mnt/share -o username=yourname

If needed it will ask for your password also.

To list shares on an SMB server, use the following:

# smbclient -L //server.name.or.ip/ -U user%pass

You can skip -U user%pass if you prefer working as guest.

This should get you up and running easily. It’s not sophisticated and you have to manually work the passwords and they are not synced with with the rest of the users on the local machine, that is more complex to set up, this was meant to be a quick starter to get you going.

If you need to list the users in the database (to remove any you do not want any more) you can use the command:

# pdbedit -L

Read the man page for more information.

Google Hangouts just got even better


A small but very cool news is that if you have a google hangout going from your phone with your best friend, spouse or anyone really, if you have their number and google account you can now chose for each message you reply if you want to send it as a traditional hangout message or as a text (SMS) message.

It is a small but cool feature and hangouts just got even better!

This means that if you can not reach someone using hangout you can immediately resent using SMS instead and so on. It’s just great.


I just found a great Swedish invention out there that I wanted to share with everyone who are taking notes at some time or the other. First of all, the idea is to have low contrast lines or squares on your papers so as not to be distracting as the normal patterns are on normal notebook / college book paper is.

The whitelines paper uses white lines by printing slightly grey around it. It is ingenious for many reasons, one is that the lines are not visible if you copy or scan your paperwork. And now with the digital mobile camera you can scan yours or your friends notes in a second and also send them automatically to dropbox, evernote or have them mailed somewhere with a simple app that you can get for both iOS and Android. Using the Whitelines Link it goes automatically and can correct for skewing and perspective. It’s awesome.

Here is the kicker. If you don’t feel like buying their pre-printed stationary you can print it yourself by downloading a PDF file from their home page. They have PDF files for lined and squared A5 and A4 papers. Print them, make your notes, scan them with the Whitelines app and then find them in your dropbox. Never loose a field note again.

The trick is that they have printed codes in all 4 corners of the papers. Codes that reminds you of QR codes (but are simpler). The app finds these codes and can then perspective-correct your photo scan of your notes.

On their site you can also buy tags to put on your white board. Then when you scan that it will also perspective correct and store your brain storms and what not in your phone or you can share with any one of your services really.

Check it out, it’s neater than you would believe!


Some nice ebooks for your EPUB reader (all free stuff)

These are from Project Gutemberg and converted to EPUB format for your ebook reader:

  1. Nostromo – A Tale of the Seaboard by Joseph Conrad
  2. The Cosmic Computer by H. Beam Piper
  3. The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  4. The Island of Doctor Moreau by H. G. Wells
  5. The Poison Belt by Arthur Conan Doyle
  6. Captain Brand of the Centipede by H. A. Wise

Have a nice read.


På grund av den stora mängden spam har jag migrerat kommentarerna till Google Plus. De flesta har troligen redan ett google-konto men om du inte har ett kostar det inget att skaffa ett.

Convert pictures for upload to Google+

Google plus allows you to upload pictures without using your disk quota with Google if your images are up to 2048×2048 they will not be counted towards your disk space. So if you don’t need to back up your full size pictures you can use this script to convert them to the max size google accept without taxing your storage. The script is intended to run as a bash script and has been tested in several versions of Linux. It should work well also under Cygwin in Windows and in BSD et cetera.

You need to install imagemagick in order to use the script. It relies on the ”convert” binary in that package.


# Find out if the destination dir already exists
# and if it does not, then we need to create it.

if [ ! -d "google" ]; then
echo "Creating dump dir google."
mkdir google

# Save the internal file separator symbol and then replace it
# with UNIX line breaks so that we can handle file names that
# have spaces and stuff in them.

IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")

# Loop over all files in current directory and then process them
# one by one storing the result in the "google" folder ready for
# upload to Google when done.

for f in * ; do
echo -n "Processing $f - "
if [ -f "google/$f" ]; then
echo "Exists, skipping."
echo -n "Converting - "

# Sharpen a bit to make it more enjoyable on small images
# convert image to 2048 pixels maximum side. This means
# we are able to store all files the way google allows us
# for free (not having to buy more space)

convert "$f" -filter bessel -resize 2048 -sharpen 0x1.0 "google/$f"
echo "Done."

When the script is run it will create a subfolder named ”google” in case it does not already exist. Then it will loop over all your files in the dir trying to run the convert script on each of them. It takes a few seconds per file generally. It allso applies some sharpening which usually works well but if you don’t want that then remove that argument.

Save the script in /usr/bin/google-convert or something similar and then just cd to the folder where your jpegs are located and run the script there.