Etikettarkiv: löpning

Training Wk 39

No training this week either. Really crappy. Went to the doctors on tuesday and got cortisoned badly, that worked, kept the rash and itch in check pretty well, could get some sleep but then I went back to work on wednesday and that was a bit too soon. The cortisone treatment was for 4 days, so that made tuesday to friday special days indeed but then I was setting out the cortisone and going for the antihistamines and what happens?

By Saturday night I was covered in urticaria all over my head and face, looking like something straight out of a 1950ies creature feature movie. Not a pretty sight. And it hurt — and the itching is hard to describe. Can’t give in to it though, that just make things bleed and scar.  I have had a rough night now but I have woke up feeling a little better actually. This might be because the human body produce it’s own cortisone in the morning or … perhaps I am slowly getting better.

I even played with the thought of putting a photograph of my horrible looks on my home page but then decided against it, the world might not be ready for that kind of disfigurement yet.

My better half Jeanette is having the flu and I believe that is what onset it this time for me as well. She’s feverish and coghy and tired and have all the classic symptoms. Even though I probably had a bit of that (last night my throat was a little sore) I think I got off the flu easy. Let’s hope this leads to something good, like immunization to A(H1N1) better known as the bacon plague.

My hands still hut a bit and I still don’t dare that perhaps I will now start to get better because I know when nightfall comes and cortisone in the body is switched to melatonine instead then these kinds of rashes usually gets worse. I go from cold sweats to hot spells regularly still.

And now the time has passed enough that I no longer longingly pass my sneakers in the hallway. I have forgotten the joy of running. I need to nurture the addiction once more and learn how to start slow. Not that I think I have lost everything but I believe there will be a couple of weeks of build-up before I can get back to where I was.

If I get better now…

Training week 48

Not good this week either. Got hit by Urticaria, a skin rash and are now on cortisone and antihistamines to get rid of it. Cortisone doses of the level I am getting right now drives my resting pulse up quite a lot and I was told by the doctor to not make too strenous exercise during that time. The cortisone will be just a few more days but after that I will keep on the antihistamines for a while which I am ok to take and run so I will give it a go.

I miss the running, my shoes are calling to me when I pass them by on my way out through the door. Tomorrow I am missing my sixth scheduled run in a row but I am not too worried about it.

Att springa med telefon

Jag har telefonen med mig när jag löptränar. Jag har min MP3-spelare i telefonen, jag har min GPS och programvara som loggar löpningen och jag har nödtelefonen händig om jag skulle bryta ett ben eller bryta ihop eller nått mitt ute i skogen.

Men ibland blir det lustigt…

– <flås> ’Allå? <flås>
– Hej vi ringer från Dagens Nyheter, du har ju tidigare haft tidningen men avslutat din prenumeration hos oss. Därför undrar vi om du skulle vara intresserad av ett erbjudande…
– <flås> <flås> Nej tack <flås>
– Okay får man fråga varför… du… jag ringer inte olägligt eller så?
– <flås> lite <flås> kanske <flås> ute och springer <flås flås>
– Oh, haha, det lät som om jag hade kommit mitt i något heeelt annat.
– <flås> kan tro det <flås flås flås> men jag har inte <flås flås> riktigt tid <flås flås> att läsa <flås> morgontidning <flås> den blir <flås> mest liggande <flås flås> på hög <flås> så tack ändå.
– Okay, lugnt, ha det bra med springandet!
– <flås> tack hej <flås> <klick>

Funbeats tre huvudregler

Lite skämtsamt efter diskussionsforumen på Funbeat refereras det ibland till de tre huvudreglerna särskilt bland löparna (och ja det är ett skämt som visar på diversiteten bland deltagarna) på skoj alltså. Inte allvar.

  1. Inget ämne är så trivialt att alla kan vara överens.
  2. Om alla är överens kommer någon av dem ändra åsikt.
  3. För övrigt sätter du i hälen för mycket när du springer för korta och/eller långa intervaller och ät mindre kolhydrater… och längre!

Funbeat är en sajt för träningsglada där man kan samla sin träning och statistik och diskutera med likasinnade. Det kostar inget att vara med, alla kan registrera sig och börja motionera.

Running onwards

Now that I have managed to graduate from the C25k programme it is time for phase 2. Trying to cement the distance 5 km to make it a comfortable distance and not a maximum performance. Therefore I have designed a 6 week programme of running to make the 5 km run at least once a week.


I believe it will be great fun to keep doing this although my first day on this running schedule was not great. I had a hard time running pretty early in the workout and it was tough all the way through. Partly because I had not eaten properly today I believe and I had some wine yesterday which always makes the running more of a pain.

I have decided to have my training days mostly on monday, wednesday and saturday, it fits pretty well with my schedule.  It also allows me to get two days of rest before the long run that ends every week and the next week starts with a lighter recovery run.

I am going to post a resummée every week how I am doing and if I have been running any new interesting tracks lately.