Etikettarkiv: snow
The night with the moon in her hand
I am so bad at the running and exercise things right now that I ought to be ashamed of myself, or at least a little embarrassed.
I will go down to the gym at work on monday and see if there is some way to start jogging again. Outdoors is just too slippery right now although the cold is nit si much a problem for me.
Wish me luck…
First Snow
Slussen – Gamla Stan
On my way from Gamla Stan, the old town, to the south end of the city I stopped on the bridge and decided to try to get a handheld panorama of this part of the city. Usually I am not too much a fan of panorama pictures, they have a tendency to be awkward to frame if you know what I mean.
But I shot using my 16-85 set somewhere around 30 mm focal length and handheld. This pano is composed of 6 stitched pictures, all done manually in Photoshop. If you really want to see the picture you must click on it and view it full size, the limits in width on this blog does in no way make it justice.

I did not modify the picture in any way except that I worked a little bit with the contrast since it was a bit of a dull light in the air.
The tower in the far background is actually the city hall.
A walk in the winter city
Today I had the opportunity to take a walk around the city since I went early from work to my medical check (mandatory to do regularly for people working on or near the railway) and since I had to skip lunch to be fasting for the medical checkup I finished a little earlier so I spent the day in the city with the camera looking for three things and I found them all.
- Indian chai tea
- A nice haircut that’s not too expensive
- A nice salad lunch served after 14.30.
I was actually able to find all three and had a wonderful day walking around the city from Kungsholmen down to Södermalm and then taking the commuter train back home from Södra Station.
Winter Approaching…
The winter is approaching, already people are talking about how we never seems to get any decent winters here in Stockholm any more, it is all about global warming and how the effects of increased CO2, methane, water vapor or other such greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may affect the climate.
I like winters, when the temperature is reasonably, say -10 to -5°C or so, that’s lovely. A nice sun shining and that’s great. But to remind everyone that we do actually gett good winters now and then and avoid the ”I don’t know when we had some realy snow last time” here is the winter of 2005-2006.
In a galaxy, far away…

I am hoping for a winter with lots of snow because I want to test out IR photography in the winter time. I think it can be pretty awesome with the right light…