Trainining wk 10

This is a late update on the last week of running. Monday was a really great intervall workout and my 5 km was all done in 38:40 and then on wednesday I managed a short recoup workout bare foot for 2,7 km.

On Thursday night we went for beers so the workout on friday was definitely tougher than usual but I did a short 2,45 km and felt okay with that.

Now the snow is melting and the asphalt is becoming runnable again so I will be going for a run on the roads around here soon. My condition is improving and my speed, especially on the treadmill, has been climbing rapidly. I have now done 5 k in 38 minutes a personal best.

EasyTether for Android

Fantastic application. Connect your mobile with the USB cable to your laptop, install driver and EasyTether program on your mobile and use your mobile as a mobile broadband internet connection while you are charging your phone!

This is a fantastic development, when I got my Android phone I missed that kind of application and there was some hacks that could be used but nothing that worked this good.

It does not require a root:ed phone, it just works. The software will soon cost a few bucks but it is well worth it if you want to be able to use your phone as a gateway to the internet.

It also uses the phones built-in firewalling capabilities protecting your laptop from attacks from the outside by filtering various protocols. You might even filter UDP ports (except DNS requests) if you like.

(links are coming)

Training wk 9

Good week actually. Personal best on friday doing sub-40 minutes on 5 k run (treadmill) and it feels really good. Legs are great, knees holding, condition improving fast and I have started to feel that I might actually be able to get to the 10 k run sooner than I expected. The whole week was great.

I also discovered how fun it is to run intervals on the tredmill. Can’t say it’s much fun just running but when you do intervals the extra strain takes your mind completely away from the dullness of running on the thing.

I am doing intervals of 2/3 minutes with 2 min jogging in a tougher tempo and 3 min of slow jogg-down to get the heart rate down. Then repeating over and over again. Easy since treadmill keeps track of the time and you can manually alter between the speeds. So basically on minutes 0 and 1 and 5 and 6 hard running and then the rest a more easy-paced jogg.

Results immediately. Personal best on 5 km. So in the future I think that two interval runs and one slower paced long-distance run will be the recipe for me in the coming weeks.

Your favourite prompt

Today’s Bash tip. Create a prompt that changes face depending on the return code of your last command. As long as the return code is OK you get a happy face. When it is false you get a sad one.

Open and edit the .bashrc file in your home directory and enter the following:

PS1="\u@\h:\[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\] \[\`if [[ \$? = "0" ]]; \
then echo '\e[32m=)\e[0m'; else echo '\e[31m=(\e[0m' ; fi\`\] \$ "

Have fun.