Etikettarkiv: fall
First Snow
I love the autumn, the best time of year for me. Love to take long walks and use the camera outdoor capturing a wealth of colours and shapes.
This autumn I have been ill for several weeks, still not 100% but I am back at work though I get tired easily and still have various flu-like symptoms.
Getting better, but slowly…
Autumn 2008
So the autumn here is nearing winter, the weather is getting colder and many trees have already lost their coloured leaves. There are still some brigh coloured trees around here and there but there are more branches becoming barren and winterlike every day.
The evergreens remains of course, the firs, pines and the spruce trees, the most common evergreens in Sweden. Here is a collection of some of my favourites for the autumn 2008, in no way complete but these are some of the shots that carry special meaning and rememberance for me.
Enjoy the slide show.
Autumn Field
Pine Tree is Gone?!
Morning Fog

Believe it or not, but this was shot in the main street in Kallhäll where I live on my way to work one morning. There was still a bit of fog around that had not been cleared by the sun yet, the nights are colder now but the days are still very nice and the best part of autumn is here now.
If you click on the photo you can see exactly where I was standing when taking it.