Etikettarkiv: Photography

A Walk in Djursholm

Djursholm is a rather fancy suburb to Stockholm and I had a good walk around there with my good friend Jenny yesterday! Here are some pictures from this walk!


Björn Ulvaeus House
This is Björn Ulvaeus' home, one of the four members of ABBA

Walking Road
Just a really beautiful winter day. Temperature around -17C.

This is a panorama shot from two 50 mm photos.

Taking Flight
Taking flight

A small bird in the cold winter.

A panorama over the frosen water. Click to enlarge.

Another panoramal stitched from 10 images, click for maximum view!


Course in portrait photography

Again together with we arranged a nice portrait photo course and as usual we had two days of incredible fun in the studio ending with a model shoot at the Sunday afternoon.

Återigen hade vi tillsammans med ordnat en porträttfotokurs och som vanligt hade vi två dagar av mycket roliga stunder, teori och praktik varvat och avslutade med att fotografera en modell.

Model look
Model shoot


Today I needed to get out a bit from the apartment, been ill and in bed too much and I am going to work tomorrow again so I ventured in town with camera ready to take some pictures. I went off the train at Centralen the city central station and then walked Sveavägen down. On the way I passed old Grand which is one of the well kept old cinemas that does a bit different films, not just the ordinary run of the mill action movies and dramas from the big Hollywood circus but also does more narrow French and Belgian movies as well as low budgets and Swedish movies you may or may not see again.

Ladies outside Grand
Grand in Stockholm and two ladies walking past
Waiting for the show to start at Grand

Some of my Explored photos

Explore is a function of Flickr where amongs all the photographers that sends pictures to the site a few are selected (500 to be precise) on each day to be included in a kind of hall of fame called the Explore.

The exact criteria for when pictures are included is not known, in fact it is a well kept secret for it is fine-tuned all the time, if you have been in explore many times it gets harder to become picked, if you send a photo to many groups it can be harder but also the number of views, comments, fave markings you get contribute to your Explore score.


1. It was a fabulous moon, 2. Where I am going, 3. The Night Watch, 4. The Small House, 5. The Cat, 6. Grödinge church infrared, 7. Ghost in the Window, 8. Kapelludden Cross, 9. A Second in Life, 10. Pompom and the Sea, 11. DSC_1355, 12. Polished Metal, 13. The Sky and the Snowcovered Lake, 14. Fluxfallet, 15. Strokkur, 16. Fontain Rainbow

IBM Photographs a molecule

The smallest things requires the biggest cameras, IBM research lab in Zürich have managed to photograph a carbon molecule called pentacene and it is a first time something so small has been depicted like this.

Pentacene is a five benzen ring molecule used in the making of some semi-conductors today, mainly OFET (organic field effect transistors) and similar devices.

The photograph was made possible because on the tip of the microscope a CO (carbon monoxide) molecule was used as a lens.

Incredible stuff.