This photograph was shot on the way home from a fabulous course in nature photography last weekend. The course rendered many nice photographs and some of them you can see here on my flickr page.
This photograph was shot on the way home from a fabulous course in nature photography last weekend. The course rendered many nice photographs and some of them you can see here on my flickr page.
The gigants came from the sea, for a full man-age they walked across the ocean floor under the waters but now they reached the shores of the Faroe Islands. Their goal to move the islands from the coast of Scotland closer to Iceland and this mission is one only Gigants can do.
It was a terrible work that started, and the people on the Islands fled inland with their sheep and goats, having secured their boats, terrified to fall into the north atlantic ocean while the gigants were shaking their homes.
So busy by the incredible work was the Gigants, that they did not notice that the break of dawn was approaching them. When the sun raise above the horizon sendin its golden rays down the Gigants was caught by surprise and turned to stone where they stood.
Still you can see many of them around the coast lines of the Faroe Islands and in the fog coming in from the sea you may yet see some of them still putting their back into it, trying to shift the Islands ever so slightly.
The driving rain and the darkening sky, in the afternoon. The sun should still be up for several more hours but the weather is really bringing everything down on us now. On the Faroe Islands the ran does not fall from the sky above, it is driven by the wind side-ways and hits you from all directions at once. In some ways it is like being inside a car wash when it goes of. Freezing chilly north atlantic water dashing from the side. An umbrella is of course totally useless, you need layers and layers of good clothing and nice sweaters. And stay indoor in the worst.
The rain is like thick velvet curtains and a thousand needles at the same time. As soon as we step outside the car the door is grabbed by the wind and almost ripped from our hands.
Still the water is not angry or upset, we look at it for a few moments, not sure what to think. The next though that enters our head is that we have in 3 seconds gone from cozy in the car to soaking wet even with our trusty Gore-Tex clothes. The only thing keeping us warm now is the traditional wool sweater.
The temperature is not that bad actually, around 12C but the wind makes every raindrop feel like a needle of ice. Too many of those and not enough fireplace and you’d be done with.
We start hoping the car won’t break down before we get back to Torshavn and the nice hotel with the lovely lady in the reception. And the chef who wants us to try his seven course menu. The thought of this drives us back in to the car, wiping down the camera with a towel and laughing.
The car does start again.
The winding road by the North Atlantic Sea and a small house where a family lives.
A bright red roof offsetting the blue of the water and the nuances of the grassland around it.
The heavy rain clouds in the sky telling us that in five minutes there will be a downpour.
It may stop just as quickly again or it might continue for a day
but the weather is usually changing quite rapidly.
You can have sunshine, rain, storm, hail and then sunshine again all in one single afternoon.
These are the Faroe Islands.