A walk down by the lake today revealed some very nice icicles that has formed in the last couple of days of cold weather together with the moisture of the still open lake Mälaren.
Etikettarkiv: winter
Winter Green
Glass Panes
Idag på Regeringsgatan där den korsar Kungsgatan på en bro lyckades jag ta denna bild. En av mina första lite svårare bilder tagna med min nya D300. Objektivet jag använde var Nikkor AF-S VR 70-300/4.5-5.6G ED-IF som jag kommer recenscera senare när jag har använt det lite mer!
Today at Regeringsgatan (regent’s str.) crossing the Kungsgatan street on the bridge overpass. I managed to take my firs a little more demanding photo using my new D300 camera. I used the 70-300 lens for this one which has performed excellently. I really like this lens after just using it a few times, it is great. I will review it later on when I have used it even more.
Going Home
Winter Approaching…
The winter is approaching, already people are talking about how we never seems to get any decent winters here in Stockholm any more, it is all about global warming and how the effects of increased CO2, methane, water vapor or other such greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may affect the climate.
I like winters, when the temperature is reasonably, say -10 to -5°C or so, that’s lovely. A nice sun shining and that’s great. But to remind everyone that we do actually gett good winters now and then and avoid the ”I don’t know when we had some realy snow last time” here is the winter of 2005-2006.
In a galaxy, far away…

I am hoping for a winter with lots of snow because I want to test out IR photography in the winter time. I think it can be pretty awesome with the right light…
Ice and Wood
Three Designs
Grindtorp Brutalism

Frosty Neomodernism


Alien Life
This was one of my first creative photos where I did lots of post-processing in order to get the effect I was looking for. The phot was taken a cold winter night, the structure you can see are the branches of a tree. The black mist is the smoke from me exhaling in front of the camera just as the photo was taken.
In post-process I have colorized it green then inverted the dark areas for the bright ones. The smoke and branches are therefore brightly lit by the flash in the original picture but turned dark in post-process. Fortsätt läsa Alien Life