Streak Running

Not the same thing as streaking that is, but I have been running every day since Sunday and I am starting to notice results. Condition goes up very fast and now I need to let the muscles and ligaments catch up. I am back at about 6 km and are working my way up to 10 km slowly in low tempo but still jogging. Yay.

7 weeks to my first race!

There are just seven weeks to Midnattsloppet now and I have not been getting the exercise necessary. Time to change all that, there will be some training every day now from short runs to weight lifting, treadmill, forest and asphalt running and not more than 1-2 resting days a week. Together with a better diet and no alcohol what so ever I think it may still be possible.

The demons to fight are excessive food intake, the heat outside as this is the hottest period in Sweden with temperatures reaching 30ºC it is better doing pulse-high activities in the evening rather than in the mid-day sunshine. Such as my 2.1 km run today which was tough but I still felt good after it.

I am currently developing my exercise schedule based on good advice from the greatest training community in Sweden right now.


I recently went to Singapore for the TETRA World Congress, a congress where users, providers and others related to the communication standard TETRA for land mobile communication meet and share experiences. I had been invited as a speaker to the seminar speaking on special coverage since my involvment in the Stockholm Metro underground coverage system.

But that was that and here are some of my pictures from Singapore, an interesting place for sure but I have been to some far more interesting places in the far east. For business however Singapore is *it* especially in the telecoms business.

Progressive Builders Plt.

Malaysian workers on their way back home across the border from Singapore again after a full days work on some construction site. It caught my eye because of the difference from us riding a grand tourist coach out to the Singapore Zoo in the evening for the night safari which was really great, more about that later.

Raffles Hotel

Raffles Hotel

Raffles Hotel

Raffles hotel is well known for the invetion of the drink ”Singapore Sling” which they can make you here for about three times the price anywhere else in Singapore. However the feeling of sitting at the Long Bar is worth the extra money, isn’t it?

Buisiness Centre

The Modern City

The Singaporean business centre with it’s high-rise buildings where most of the banks, stock market and other such things resides.

Casino Boat

The Casino Boat

This casino does not float on water, instead it is floated atop three high-rise buildings complete with spa, pool, and childrens activities.

Fruit Bat

Fruit Bat upside down

Went on the night safari at the Singapore Zoo and this fruit bat caught my eye. It was difficult to photograph here because of the limited light, it is just moonlight basically, and therefore it is a little bit grainy and blurry.

Spotted Leopard

The spotted leopard is an endangered species and very beautiful. This one fast asleep after a good meal. You may notice there are not fences or bars or anything, that’s because at the night safari the animals are out, there are no barriers between you and the animals which is quite and experience in itself.

The Difference

It takes 7 seconds for food to pass from mouth to stomach.
A human hair can hold 3 kg.
The length of the penis is three times the length of the thumb.
The femur is as hard as concrete.
A womans heart beats faster than a mans.
Women blink twice as much as men.
We use 300 muscles just to keep our balance when we stand.

The woman has read this entire text.
The man is still looking at his thumb.

Varning för SushiNara i Täby C

SushiNara i gallerian i Täby C var verkligen en av de sämsta restauranger som jag ätit på som har haft mage att ta betalt som om de vore en riktig finkrog. Jag och den bättre hälften kom förbi när vi var och handlade i går och vi var rätt hungriga men hade inte hittat den riktiga restaurangdelen av Täby C. I stället tog vi trapporna upp till andra våningen och sushi lät precis som vår melodi.

På bilden ses pappaskarna som innehåller wok, varken gott eller trevligt.

När jag kom fram ändrade jag mig till Yakiniku i stället fast med några sushi-bitar som förrätt. Sambon beställde en kycklingwok som verkade trevlig. Det visade sig dock att det som serverades var förtillagat och nedkylt och sedan värmdes upp i en mikrovågsugn i en pappask som den sedan serverades att äta direkt ur. Som en ”chinese take-away i en dålig deckare från 70-talet”!

Att i det läget ta 70 kr för en rätt som smakade gammalt gummi, woken var oätlig, Yakinikun var ätlig men knappt mer. Sushibitarna till förrätt var det enda som var okay men de lagades i

nte där. I stället tog servitrisen telefonen och ringde och tio minuter senare kom en löpare springande med sushibitarna.

På deras skyltar kan man annars läsa:

  • exotiska maträtter
  • annorlunda och spännande matupplevelser
  • fettsnål och näringsrik mat
  • säsongens färska råvaror

Det fanns inget roligt, näringsrikt eller säsongens färska råvaror över detta, det var ren dynga som serverades med möjligt undantag för själva sushin. Den serverades i stället med sjögräs i plast.