Etikettarkiv: cityscape


Fatburen is a small area in the south end of Stockholm. These days you find it between Medborgarplatsen and the Stockholm Södra train station roughly and the blocks in between. There are many very modern buildings here and fortunately the Fatburen park has been saved, fatbursparken in Swedish.

I passed by here last Monday and had the camera with me which was quite lucky because I got a picture that I have had in my head for some time now that we have finally gotten a bit of proper winter even here in Stockholm.

Fatbursparken in all it's winter glory. Click on the picture and then on the picture page you can find the map where this picture was taken. Like most of my pictures it is geotagged when published on the Internet.

The picture is a full colour picture but the whole world seemed very black and white at this moment. The park was full of people as well and tourists taking pictures of each other with their cameras. So I had to wait for the right moment before I could squeeze off a few pictures and this is the result.

At the left in the very far reach of the picture is part of the railway that goes under the city into the Central station. This part will be rebuilt and probably covered to the dismay of some of the train spotters who use this place to spot trains passing by. I just hope that they will preserve this park even if it is a park that has a bit of a drug problem going in the late summer evenings…

A walk in the winter city

Today I had the opportunity to take a walk around the city since I went early from work to my medical check (mandatory to do regularly for people working on or near the railway) and since I had to skip lunch to be fasting for the medical checkup I finished a little earlier so I spent the day in the city with the camera looking for three things and I found them all.

  • Indian chai tea
  • A nice haircut that’s not too expensive
  • A nice salad lunch served after 14.30.

I was actually able to find all three and had a wonderful day walking around the city from Kungsholmen down to Södermalm and then taking the commuter train back home from Södra Station.

Snowy Bike

This Way


Pustegränd & Brännkyrkagatan

Worldwide Photo Walk – Stockholm

Redigerad 080811: Det är nu femtio personer anmälda till WPW-Stockholm och det är fullt hus! Jag hoppas att vi ses nu den 23:e!
Edit 080811: There are now fifty people signed up for the WPW-Stockholm event, which is the limit! Hope to see you on the 23rd!

Link: Worldwide Photo Walk – Stockholm, Sweden | Worldwide Photo Walk.


Den 23 augusti kommer det att anordnas en ”Photo Walk” i flera städer över hela världen. Vi har tur att ha fått en värd för detta event i Stockholm, läs mer om detta på länken ovan och anmäl er.

Antalet platser är begränsat till 50 personer så anmäl er nu om ni vill vara med. Se sajten ovan för mer information om denna Photo Walk.


On the 23rd of August there is a huge event world wide with prices to win for those who take the coolest or nicest picture. We are lucky here in Stockholm that we have got a host for this event.

The number of places are limited to 50 people, so sign up now if you wish to join in! Read more about it on the link above!

Stockholm City