The Cat ”Pixel”

Yesterday was a terrible day, we had to put Lussebullen one of our cats down. He was old and started getting lots of problems and he fell asleep quietly in our arms.
But the sadness, oh, the sadness. We miss him terribly and keep seeing him in the corner of our eyes whenever we turn around. It has been a long and hard day. It is strange how much you get attached.
Rest in peace Lussebullen.
Here in scandinavia we live with long cold and foremost dark winters. Tends to make us gloomy and more than a bit depressed but when the summer time comes we can enjoy very long days, the sun rises right now where I am around 3.30 in the mornign and does not set until after nine.
Here are some pictures that to me represents Swedish summer. They were shot near a small cottage that we tend to stay in when we have some time off during the summer.
A beercan to represent the garden parties, the evening barbecues or just quenching thirst on a lazy day in the sun, preferably spent in a hammock with a good book to read.