It smells like ldaybugs outside right now. Today was a little warmer again but later it got back to the chilly spring that we are having. Some years we could go swimming (and enjoy it) in mid May but I am certain it won’t happen this year. But springtime is here and all the dreadful snow is melted away now. Not even the north facing hills on my track had any snow now (which they had last sunday).
I did not realise it until last time I uploaded yet another picture of my favourite padlock that I have come back to this place over and over again visiting the same place and always stopping to take a picture of that.
I wonder what compelled me to take a photograph of it the first time, but I think I know what it was now, the structure on the steel casing. It is a hard steel casing in stainless steel alloy, hardened to make it difficult to saw into and break yet not too brittle as to be easy to crack with a switft blow of a stone.
The first time I just wanted to see how well my campera would focus and then it became a ritual, now I have shot this padlock with pretty much every lens I have ever used. Strange thing that.
Now you have seen three representative pictures of an Anchor padlock. But wait. The one in the middle picture is actually not the same lock. Take a look at the numbers at the top of the lock. In the middle picture the numbers are not the same or are they? Perhaps the lock has just been turned around. Or did they chage it and then back again?
När jag ändå redan var nere vid sjön och fotograferade Bolinders gamla fabriker så passade jag på att ta några bilder vid marinan när solen stod lågt. Detta är en av dessa bilder.
When I was down at the old Bolinder factories to take some pictures I walked over to the near-by marina as well and shot some pictures with a low sun in the sky. This is one of the pictures from that shoot.
This is an old factory where they used to make iron cast wood-fired stoves and other products like that. It is now the home of a broad range of small companies inhabiting the old factory houses. Here are some pictures of the factories that I have taken.
Bolinders grundades 1844 då bröderna Jean och Carl Gerhard Bolinder grundade J. & C. G. Bolinders Mekaniska Verkstads AB på Kungsholmen i Stockholm. Under de första årtiondena var produktionen inriktad på ångmaskiner, träbearbetningsutrustning och råoljemotorer för till exempel båtar och sågverk. Man producerade också olika sorters gjutna produkter som till exempel vedspisar, kaminer och köksutrustning som stekpannor, grytor, våffeljärn och köttkvarnar.1893 byggde Bolinders sin och Sveriges första motor med intern förbränning. Motorn designades av ingenjör Weyland men var inte så framgångsrik. Istället tog man in ingenjör Rundlöf som konsult och 1897 hade man en tvåtakts råoljemotor som blev en väldig framgång. På 1920-talet hade man en världsandel av 80% av alla fiskebåtar tack vare motorernas pålitlighet, låga bränsleförbrukning och långa livslängd.Efter brödernas död i slutet av 1800-talet togs företaget över av Erik August Bolinder. Vid 1906 ansåg man att lokalerna på Kungsholmen hade blivit för små så man köpte Kallhälls gård eftersom man ansåg Kallhäll i Järfälla hade bra kommunikationer då den låg vid järnvägen mot Västerås och man kunde också använda sjövägen via Mälaren in till Stockholm. 1909 började produktionen i Kallhäll. Man tillverkade då spisar och köttkvarnar samt gjutgods som transporterades sjövägen till fabriken på Kungsholmen. Vid 1919 hade Bolinders 1900 anställda på de båda fabrikerna.1913 byggde Bolinders sin första traktor. Den drevs av en tvåcylindrig tvåtakts råoljemotor på 30 hästkrafter.
The night watch is the only thing that stands beteen the darkness and the light. Always vigilant, keeping the walking path safe for those who thread it between dusk and dawn. In the twilight the night watch is relieved by the day watch and they nod to eachother as they pass by — enemies by birth and choice but restricted by the ancient cease-fire between them.
They are old now, older than anyone can imagine and they are not easily seen unless they chose to reveal themselves. Unless you are a seer you may only once or twice in your life time catch a glimpse of the Watch as they move effortlessly through the night.
Where do you suppose she is going, where did she come from? A picture says more than a thousand words but sometimes a picture may just raise a thousant questions instead.
I set off on a sunday walk and brought the camera along. On purpose I only took my 50mm lens because I really like to find more and more ways of using it.
I decided to take my bike down to the nearby lake Mälaren where there is an old steam boad jetty and used to be a small cottage farm. This place is called Hälleboda and it is said to be haunted by an old lady, the last inhabitants of Hälleboda.
She is said to have been very mean, she whipped any kids that came too close with a horse-whip and she was generally very much disliked. One night when she was sleeping the house burned down to the ground and she died in the fire. Noone knows what exactly happened but it is told that she still haunts this place.
I decided to shoot some infrared and this is the result.