Etikettarkiv: stockholm


Fatburen is a small area in the south end of Stockholm. These days you find it between Medborgarplatsen and the Stockholm Södra train station roughly and the blocks in between. There are many very modern buildings here and fortunately the Fatburen park has been saved, fatbursparken in Swedish.

I passed by here last Monday and had the camera with me which was quite lucky because I got a picture that I have had in my head for some time now that we have finally gotten a bit of proper winter even here in Stockholm.

Fatbursparken in all it's winter glory. Click on the picture and then on the picture page you can find the map where this picture was taken. Like most of my pictures it is geotagged when published on the Internet.

The picture is a full colour picture but the whole world seemed very black and white at this moment. The park was full of people as well and tourists taking pictures of each other with their cameras. So I had to wait for the right moment before I could squeeze off a few pictures and this is the result.

At the left in the very far reach of the picture is part of the railway that goes under the city into the Central station. This part will be rebuilt and probably covered to the dismay of some of the train spotters who use this place to spot trains passing by. I just hope that they will preserve this park even if it is a park that has a bit of a drug problem going in the late summer evenings…


(English version here)

Akalla Panorama
Panorama över Akalla. Nikon D300 med objektiv Nikkor 16-85 mm. Manuellt stickat i Photoshop och sedan efterbhandling i Lightroom.

Akalla är en stadsdel i Västerort inom Stockholms kommun. Den ligger ca 13 km NV om centrala Stockholm och är byggd på Järvafältet. Stadsdelen tillhör stadsdelsområdet Rinkeby-Kista och Kista församling. Akalla nämns första gången 1323 och går då under namnet Akarli. Namnet betyder Åkarlarnas by och ån som åsyftas är då Igelbäcken som flyter i närheten av området.

Akalla var ett av de sista områdena som byggdes i Stockholms miljonprogram på 1970-talet och det var en fortsättning på den mindre lyckade 60-tals lösningen med Tensta i centrum. Akalla domineras av de arton höghus som står på rad rakt igenom området. Denna bild är tagen från ett av dessa höghus som ligger längs Sibeliusgången.

På norra sidan höghusen finns lägre hus som bildar storgårdar med små skogsdungar och lekplatser. Genom dessa hus går den långa backen Slingerbulten som slingrar sig fram mellan husen.

Söder om Akalla intill Järvafältet ligger Akalla by som består av äldre bevarad bebyggelse. Här finns bland annat hus från 1600-talet och gården hålls levande av bl.a. 4H. På båda sidor om Akalla by finns det radhusområden.

Akallas nordöstra sida domineras av industrier framför allt mjukvarubaserade sådana och här har även svenska Microsoft sitt huvudkontor. Genom industriområdet löper Hanstavägen.

Mellan 1905 och 1970 ingick Akalla i det område på Järvafältet som militären använde för övningar. Detta har bidragit till att området så länge bevarades som jordbruksmiljö även om det låg mycket nära Stockholm. Akalla har en tunnelbanestation och är den ena ändstationen på linje 11.
Fortsätt läsa Akalla


Street SalesHötorget is famous for the people selling things in the daily market place all the way back to the early medieval days. This used to be a village called Väsby in those days and when they built the street ”Kungsgatan” (the King’s Street) they found several skeletons, money and other remains from some 700 years back in time.

In 1914 the trade with fresh raw meats such as beef, sheep, swine or horse. Later the same year all freshed and skinned animals as well as birds, salted or smoked fish, boiled shellfish, butter, bread, cheese and flour was also banned for sanitary reasons.


Many of the people selling foodstuffs then moved into the indoor marketplace nearby instead where it was still allowed.

Today you will find mainly people selling used second hand items, toys, mobile phone accessories, bags, handbags and valises, cheap clothes (with varying quality I must say) your various bric-a-brac stuff and old musical instruments, CD’s, LP’s and so on… and you can find pretty much anything if you asked around. I saw two laptops being sold as well. One looked severely used. The other looked brand new.

No questions asked.

The houses around is dominated by shopping but there is a huge blue house where which is the Stockholm Concert Hall. This building requires a page of it’s own but it is a great example of 1920s architecture.

Glass Panes

Idag på Regeringsgatan där den korsar Kungsgatan på en bro lyckades jag ta denna bild. En av mina första lite svårare bilder tagna med min nya D300. Objektivet jag använde var Nikkor AF-S VR 70-300/4.5-5.6G ED-IF som jag kommer recenscera senare när jag har använt det lite mer!

Glass Facade

Today at Regeringsgatan (regent’s str.) crossing the Kungsgatan street on the bridge overpass. I managed to take my firs a little more demanding photo using my new D300 camera. I used the 70-300 lens for this one which has performed excellently. I really like this lens after just using it a few times, it is great. I will review it later on when I have used it even more.

Kallhälls Marina

När jag ändå redan var nere vid sjön och fotograferade Bolinders gamla fabriker så passade jag på att ta några bilder vid marinan när solen stod lågt. Detta är en av dessa bilder.

Wide angle harbour

When I was down at the old Bolinder factories to take some pictures I walked over to the near-by marina as well and shot some pictures with a low sun in the sky. This is one of the pictures from that shoot.


Har lagt upp en projektsida om Marabouparken som nyss blev utnämnd till sveriges vackraste park. Jag kommer fortsätta bygga vidare på denna projektsida när som jag tar fler bilder. Just nu finns det ett antal bilder på parken i höstskrud…
I have put up a project page on the Marabou park here in Sundbyberg, Sweden. It was recently named as the most beautiful park in Sweden. The project and page is all in Swedish however.

Marabouparksprojektet här >>>

Och ett smakprov på några bilder här nedan:

Male StatueWaterBear and cubSitting Place

Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photowalk: Stockholm

So yesterday 50 people were enlisted for the photo-walk, I think more than 40 turned up at Högalidskyrkan and we started walking. It was a beautiful day, we had exeptional luck with the weather and it turned out to be a very nice event.

Lots of pictures was taken and due to an unfortunate accident I lost some good pictures on a memory card that decided to fail of course. But since I regularly swap cards in the camera this did not affect too many pictures and most of the really good ones I liked was saved!

Check out mine and the other people’s photos in this Flickr group!

Stockholm and Reflections
Stockholm from the South lake Mälaren coast line
Walking Path Infrared
Path in Infrared
Details of Church Wall
The Window and Reflection
Window and Reflection
Högalid Infrared
The Högalid Church in Infrared
The Bench
A Resting Place
A Dead Bike
The Dead Bike