Kategoriarkiv: English

EasyTether for Android

Fantastic application. Connect your mobile with the USB cable to your laptop, install driver and EasyTether program on your mobile and use your mobile as a mobile broadband internet connection while you are charging your phone!

This is a fantastic development, when I got my Android phone I missed that kind of application and there was some hacks that could be used but nothing that worked this good.

It does not require a root:ed phone, it just works. The software will soon cost a few bucks but it is well worth it if you want to be able to use your phone as a gateway to the internet.

It also uses the phones built-in firewalling capabilities protecting your laptop from attacks from the outside by filtering various protocols. You might even filter UDP ports (except DNS requests) if you like.

(links are coming)

Training wk 9

Good week actually. Personal best on friday doing sub-40 minutes on 5 k run (treadmill) and it feels really good. Legs are great, knees holding, condition improving fast and I have started to feel that I might actually be able to get to the 10 k run sooner than I expected. The whole week was great.

I also discovered how fun it is to run intervals on the tredmill. Can’t say it’s much fun just running but when you do intervals the extra strain takes your mind completely away from the dullness of running on the thing.

I am doing intervals of 2/3 minutes with 2 min jogging in a tougher tempo and 3 min of slow jogg-down to get the heart rate down. Then repeating over and over again. Easy since treadmill keeps track of the time and you can manually alter between the speeds. So basically on minutes 0 and 1 and 5 and 6 hard running and then the rest a more easy-paced jogg.

Results immediately. Personal best on 5 km. So in the future I think that two interval runs and one slower paced long-distance run will be the recipe for me in the coming weeks.

Your favourite prompt

Today’s Bash tip. Create a prompt that changes face depending on the return code of your last command. As long as the return code is OK you get a happy face. When it is false you get a sad one.

Open and edit the .bashrc file in your home directory and enter the following:

PS1="\u@\h:\[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\] \[\`if [[ \$? = "0" ]]; \
then echo '\e[32m=)\e[0m'; else echo '\e[31m=(\e[0m' ; fi\`\] \$ "

Have fun.

Midnattsloppet / The Midnight Race

I finally did it!

I have now entered myself into the midnattsloppet race that will take place on Södermalm here in Stockholm on Saturday the 14th august this year. The race is 10 km on asphalt through the summer night in Stockholm. I have been to watch the race a couple of times but I have never even thought I would be in it one day.

Photograph by plindberg on Flickr!

I am in starting group 7 of course, the last people to start jogging and I hope to complete the full 10 km in about 75 minutes.

Entrance fee is 340 SEK.

What have I done? 167 days left to train for it… that’s about 23 weeks. And I will be needing them!

Podrunning 45 minutes

Here is my 45 min podrunning list of music. Works great to run to. This list however is without warmup and cooldown so it is just that, 45 minutes of nice jogging music ending with a United States Marines march when you are really tired.

Have fun!



  1. Eye of the Tiger / Survivor [4:06]
  2. Panzermensch / And One [5:05]
  3. Walk Away / Dropkick Murphys [2:51]
  4. Mercy Me / Alkaline Trio [2:49]
  5. Menschenfresser – Klubmischung / Melotron [4:55]
  6. Battle without honor or humanity / Tomoyasu Hotel [2:29]
  7. Walking on Sunshine / Katrina (formerly of the Waves) [3:55]
  8. Isn’t it funny how your body works / Nitzer Ebb [3:47]
  9. Arroganz Der Liebe / Melotron [3:48]
  10. At Midnight / T-Connection [9:44]
  11. We Run Through the Jungle with Our M-16s / The US Marine Corps [1:29]

All in one glorious running package!

Training Wk 6

Finally gotten the act together again to do some serious workouts. Three workouts this week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the treadmill at work. And also one last week, the first one in 8 weeks! Great running actually and does not feel that bad.

As usual the first run after a down-period was terrible, but I soon found my pace back and the condition is growing on me and I managed after just 4 runds to do a 5 km run again. Which is the goal distance of the C25k programme of course. I feel great but need more time to really get into the habit. They say that the workout habit needs about 5 weeks to form so I need to keep doing this.

The really good things is that the running at the gym from work is not bad at all and with the kind of temperatures that we are having and the treacherous ice and snow out there, trying to run trails in these conditions will probably just end with me needing a hip replacement or something, better to stay indoor another couple of months.

The treadmill actually interfaces with my el cheapo pulse watch. Not bad for a 59 SEK watch and HRM band actually, and that’s great. I can set a time, a speed and a target heart rate and the machine will then adjust inclination to achieve the target heart rate, all I need to do is to keep running the distance. When the time is upp there is a cooldown period.

My feet are a little sore after each workout but that’s just to be expected, I’ve gone all ”tenderfoot” again after the break from my workout routine. Back on the bandwagon again is the melody.

Speaking of which, I have designed a Spotify playlist for 30 min running with warmup and cooldown which will be useful both in the gym and in the woods when that day comes. Another playlist for 45 min running and so on will be added.


Addition 2010-01-15: Turns out there already is a Stockholm chapter of hashers! See comments for more info!

Apparently there is an interesting form of running and socializing that is called ”hashing” that goes on out there. Hashing is a form of ”chasing the hare” following a trail through woodlands or cityscape that ends with a party where the runners enjoy good food and drinks. Hashing started in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia in 1938 when a group of british soldiers started a hare & hounds running group. They named the group after the meeting place the Selangor Club also known as the ”Hash House”. A ”hare” would be given a short head start to blaze a trail, marking his devious way with shreds of paper, soon to be persued by a pack of shouting ”harriers”. Only the hare knows where he is going, the harriers followed his marks to stay on the trail, somtimes the marks where not too easy to spot requiring a bit of problem solving and reaching the end was it’s own reward because at that place thirsty harriers would find a tub of nicely chilled beers. Some call it a drinking club with a running problem. I thought it was quite nice and was wondering if something like this exists here in Stockholm or if we should just get together and start something. How about a 5 km trail that ends up at a nice beer place that would not mind people showing up all worked up and sweaty in their training clothes looking for a meal and drinks. Better wait until summer time hower. Until then check out the New York City hashers. They’re cool!

Google Buzz

I have just tried out Google Buzz, a twitter-like service from Google which is available through Google Mail right now. Clients are expected for mobile phones of various makes soon.

I like the concept although it’s not as innovative as twitter was when it came it is still a really good implementation of a social microblogging feature. That Google saves it in ”conversations” just like email threads is what makes it great. Even people you are not following are included in the conversations so they are quite complete and nice.

It integrates with many google services and Flickr, Twitter, Facebook and so on and your own web side if you have an RSS feed from it, therefore I think it is a great integrator of what you are doing.

People have however raised concerns over that if you join the service then anyone following are able to see the email addresses you routinely email with. I am not too concerned about this but you might want to think through this before joining.