Kategoriarkiv: English

Training Wk 52

Monday: 3 km run

I then had muscle pains for a couple of days and then the christmas party time set in full fledged! I had no less than three christmas parties to attend to this year, from work, with friends and again this weekend with more friends. It has been fantastic in every way and then finally the snow came as well. It now does look like christmas but it has not done me well in the exercise scheme, the roads are perilous to run now but since it is close to christmas I will see if I may sneak down into the exercise gym at work and find a cross trainer or something similar to work out on.

I mean it, I need to get more exercise and the weather and road conditions are just not really that fit for running right now. Fortunately snow rarely lasts that long here in Stockholm, it will be fine for running in no time.

Course in portrait photography

Again together with fotonen.se we arranged a nice portrait photo course and as usual we had two days of incredible fun in the studio ending with a model shoot at the Sunday afternoon.

Återigen hade vi tillsammans med fotonen.se ordnat en porträttfotokurs och som vanligt hade vi två dagar av mycket roliga stunder, teori och praktik varvat och avslutade med att fotografera en modell.

Model look
Model shoot

Fractal Time

This article is a very interesting read for everyone that works in a project. It deals with the perils of time estimation of a project and the underlying thesis is that the further you break things down to estimate the time of each piece of work to do, no matter if you are doing agile stories or some other way of organising your work, the longer the project estimate will be. This is beacause the more fine-grained you break things down the more factors like rounding errors, lead times to start each task and some general fear factors will be multiplied in and create a longer over all project time. As the granularity approaches zero the time to complete the project approaches infinity – we have in short a fractal time.

Everyone who has worked in the form of a project knows that most business organisations are top-down organisations that focus on mainly three things, money, time and quality. You are given a budget for a project based on an estimate that seems sound to the investors but when the statistics says that only 1/3 of what was originally described is ever delivered, another 1/3 is delivered but with severe changes and the last 1/3 is obsoleted, replaced and never delivered as orginally stated, then what bearing on the actual work has any ever so good project estimation?

Is this a sound structure for running projects?

Using your Android for network monitoring

Using a small software called RF Signal Tracker it is possible to create a log file detailing the coverage parameters your phone has at every point a long a route. This is something that other software like TEMS charge you thousands of € in order to facilitate and now you can do it for free using nothing but a bit of computer skills and an Android phone.

The RF Signal Tracker is a little buggy so in order to use it properly you should turn of auto-rotation of your screen and avoid running too many other applications at the time. When the phone is in idle mode you will get less accurate readings but usually good enough in order to make well reasoned assumptions about the network.

Starting the RF Signal Tracker software you have an option to record your data. It will use the built-in GPS receiver in the phone to find out where you are and then log together with the signal strength (in dBm) and other parameters such as the base station Cell ID, the LAC and many other important parameters as well as the base station position (if it is known).

This can then be exported to the Micro SD-card in the phone as a CSV file which is the easiest format to use. Once you have it as a CSV file you may tether the phone to your computer and transfer this file to your working directory.

If you are running some flavour of Linux, BSD or other Unix you are set but if you are running Windows you need to install a package called Cygwin. Standard settings should do, you need a command line that works and a tool called ”awk” which is awesome. Tutorial for AWK can be found here.

Open a shell, navigate to your working directory and find the CSV file. Then issue a command like this:

awk <export_091130170020.csv ’BEGIN {FS=”,”}; {print $3/1000000 “,” $2/1000000 “,” 130+$4}’ >coord.txt

This should export a file called ”coord.txt” in your working directory with coordinates in WGS84 decimal format (ddd.ddddd, dd.ddddd) with the easting/westing and the northing/southing in that order.

The next step is to take the following KML file and open it in a text editor, just copy it straight to the editor of your choice.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
    <description>Examples of paths. Note that the tessellate tag is by default
      set to 0. If you want to create tessellated lines, they must be authored
      (or edited) directly in KML.</description>
    <Style id="yellowLineGreenPoly">
      <name>Signal Strength Test Run</name>
      <description>Some description here</description>

Find the section that says<coordinates> </coordinates>  in the above and then cut and paste the coordinates from the coordinates.txt file in between the two tags.

If you have google earth you can now double-click on the KML file you created and view the result. The height over ground is the signal strength calculated such as that a strength of -130 dBm is flat on the ground and for every dBm above the measurement point is placed 1 m/dBm above ground. This means that a signal strength of -90 dBm will place the point at 130-90 = 40 m above ground.

Happy hacking!


So after another week of renovating in the evenings (though I am usually too knackered from work to do much so Jeanette is doing most of the stuff) we have put an extra effort into the last couple of weekends in order to get ready.

We have (or at least I have) learned a lot, this is my first time at doing a full scale renovation, ceilings, floors, walls, everything in one go. I have done a fair bit of painting before but not to this extent. We have also learned a lot along the way, had several fights over this and that but are still together (must count for something) and are doing pretty well.

Food wise the renovation is a disaster, take-aways all the time and even worse – no proper exercise, not enough time or too knackered. Now we are going to get all the gear out of the way and the furniture back in (with some new additions and replacements) and that will be great to get a nice living room again.

And i want to get back to the running, badly. I miss it so much and my body misses it so much as well. I wanna start slow and then go to my 4 km at steady pace and then beyond again. But face it, even if running is one of the most time efficient things you can do,  the dressing, warming up, ruinning, cool down, showering and redressing takes more time than you might think… so unfortunately not much of the good stuff the last few weeks.

We’ve lived in a single bedroom and a kitchen together with everything from the living room in cardboard boxes. Not to meantion the place is too difficult to clean properly but now when the stuff that belongs in the living room can go back in things are looking brighter!

  • New floor on top of the old worn parquette floor. We did leave the old floor sandbed intact however, there are limits to what you do on your own…
  • New battens (is that the right word?) around the base of the wall
  • Walls dressed with easy-cover and then painted in a caffe latte colour, 2 times
  • Ceiling painted… 2 times
  • Ceiling rose added, that was a scary thing… will it stick or will it fall down in the middle of the night scaring the bejeebus out of the cats and us?
  • New light with three spots and full cabling done. Changed the switch and rewired it for being able to operate two independent lights
  • Wallpaper on one wall, loved that zebra wallpaper, so Serengeti…
  • Stuccos around the ceiling
  • Painted door and window frames and all other little bits and peaces needed painting

The lession learned the most is that everything takes, not only three times the estimate, but sometimtes four to five times if you are also having a day time job. And you gotta take breaks from the sanding dust now and then.

And, even with the best of budgets you can double it right off from the beginning. Factoring in all the extra trips to get more boards, stucco, paint… then it just goes off the chart.

In hindsight it would probably not have been that much more expensive hiring decorators to do the job and they would have done it in a couple of days timer rather than a month. But then they do work full time not just weekends and a couple of hours each night and they are pros so they probably know what they are doing rather than experimenting which is what we did a lot.

Here is a before and after picture!

Mostly finished!
Mostly finished!

Android tip for reset

Testing new applications on your Android is great fun. Eventually you might come across one that crashes your phone badly and you need to factory reset. This is when you will be happy that you put all your contacts and appointments and everything else into the google cloud because it will just re-sync that data and be happy.

Resetting an android phone may be a hassle, especially if you do not remember all the names of the apps and widgets you are using. If you are having any data on your SD-card and you want to make 100% sure it is saved, remove the card when you reset the phone. So far it has never touched the data for me on the SD card but then again I might be lucky.

The reset is performed by:

  1. Remove the battery from phone
  2. Install battery again
  3. Press and hold ”home” key and power on key at the same time.
  4. Phone starts and when the logo or boot symbol is displayed, press both buttons again.
  5. You will get into a menu where you can wipe your phone.

If you have your contatcs, appointments etc in the cloud, i.e. synced with Google then it is not such a problem but you will loose all your nice downloaded applications.

However, the first time you log back into the Market app to download new apps it will still have your old apps in the ”My Downloads” list. However, if you download new apps and then leave the market app and come back they are lost. But the first time you can quickly get your apps back!


I have in the past been a very listful person with lists of many aspects in my life. Then came a time when I decided that lists was running me rather than me keeping track of what was necessary and so I stopped using lists to manage my life and actually most of the time when you forget something important someone will remember you.

However I have recently started listing things again and I just wanted to share this wonderful site for everyone who likes lists:

Remember the milk

It’s just lovely. And they have mobile phone clients for iPhone, Android and so on as well. Really nice. Keep as many lists as you want.

My favorite list app on the Android is Astrid — she will remember the things I forget and haunt me (she is a ghost after all) if I don’t do them in time. Great stuff everyone! Astrid can be used with or without syncing with rememberthemilk.com of course. And Astrid means ”Android Simple Task Recording Dashboard”. We <3 Astrid.