Etikettarkiv: photo walk


Old HeaterThis is an old factory where they used to make iron cast wood-fired stoves and other products like that. It is now the home of a broad range of small companies inhabiting the old factory houses. Here are some pictures of the factories that I have taken.

Bolinders grundades 1844 då bröderna Jean och Carl Gerhard Bolinder grundade J. & C. G. Bolinders Mekaniska Verkstads ABKungsholmen i Stockholm. Under de första årtiondena var produktionen inriktad på ångmaskiner, träbearbetningsutrustning och råoljemotorer för till exempel båtar och sågverk. Man producerade också olika sorters gjutna produkter som till exempel vedspisar, kaminer och köksutrustning som stekpannor, grytor, våffeljärn och köttkvarnar.1893 byggde Bolinders sin och Sveriges första motor med intern förbränning. Motorn designades av ingenjör Weyland men var inte så framgångsrik. Istället tog man in ingenjör Rundlöf som konsult och 1897 hade man en tvåtakts råoljemotor som blev en väldig framgång. På 1920-talet hade man en världsandel av 80% av alla fiskebåtar tack vare motorernas pålitlighet, låga bränsleförbrukning och långa livslängd.Efter brödernas död i slutet av 1800-talet togs företaget över av Erik August Bolinder. Vid 1906 ansåg man att lokalerna på Kungsholmen hade blivit för små så man köpte Kallhälls gård eftersom man ansåg Kallhäll i Järfälla hade bra kommunikationer då den låg vid järnvägen mot Västerås och man kunde också använda sjövägen via Mälaren in till Stockholm. 1909 började produktionen i Kallhäll. Man tillverkade då spisar och köttkvarnar samt gjutgods som transporterades sjövägen till fabriken på Kungsholmen. Vid 1919 hade Bolinders 1900 anställda på de båda fabrikerna.1913 byggde Bolinders sin första traktor. Den drevs av en tvåcylindrig tvåtakts råoljemotor på 30 hästkrafter.

Main Street

1932 delades företaget i två delar. Motoravdelningen slogs samman med Munktells i Eskilstuna och fick namnet Bolinder-Munktell. Resten av företaget fortsatte produktionen i Kallhäll under namnet Bolinders Fabriks AB. Under 1930- och 1940-talen tillverkade man Trim utombordsmotor, diskmaskiner, sanitetsgods och emeljerade hushållskärl. Under 1950-talet tillverkade man mycket kylskåp och elspisar men konkurrensen från Elektrolux, Husqvarna och Electro-Helios var svår och 1956 köptes Bolinders Fabriks AB upp av AB Svenska Maskinverken, som då flyttade större delen av sin verksamhet till Kallhäll.

Under andra världskriget tillverkade man mycket utrustning till den svenska försvarsindustrin som till exempel gengasaggregat.

Källa: Wikipedia

Older building

Brick Building

Gjutmästare Rosbergs väg

Reflection in old Glass

Old chimney

Brick Facade

Art in the Subway

Here in Stockholm there are many interesting pieces of art in the underground metro lines. This autumn SL, the authority running the three metro lines here in Stockholm arranges a series of train rides with a guide to guide you through the art pieces.

This will happen roughly twice a week starting this thursday (day after tomorrow) but unfortunately I am busy thursday nights. The second night is on the coming Sunday however when I think it would be a great time to meet up and bring the cameras along.

Anyone interested in joining in on a project and learn more about the beautiful metro in Stocholm and perhaps get the chance to photograph the arts in the subway?

Here is a link to the programme unfortunately all in Swedish but the dates are there.

Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photowalk: Stockholm

So yesterday 50 people were enlisted for the photo-walk, I think more than 40 turned up at Högalidskyrkan and we started walking. It was a beautiful day, we had exeptional luck with the weather and it turned out to be a very nice event.

Lots of pictures was taken and due to an unfortunate accident I lost some good pictures on a memory card that decided to fail of course. But since I regularly swap cards in the camera this did not affect too many pictures and most of the really good ones I liked was saved!

Check out mine and the other people’s photos in this Flickr group!

Stockholm and Reflections
Stockholm from the South lake Mälaren coast line
Walking Path Infrared
Path in Infrared
Details of Church Wall
The Window and Reflection
Window and Reflection
Högalid Infrared
The Högalid Church in Infrared
The Bench
A Resting Place
A Dead Bike
The Dead Bike

My Fear of Street Photography

Looking forward to the photo walk here in stockholm, to meet up with other photographers is always fund and I hope I will be able to get some good shots as well but I really suck when it comes to street photography. I have such a hard time composing that I miss the moments that I want to capture and I need to practice this. So I have considered ”going light” this time with the stuff that I need mainly in my pockets and of course a tripod, camera and one lens.

Instead of focusing on using the proper prime lens for the job I will be lugging my 18-200mm lens that can do almost any kind of shot. Although this lens is a bit on the soft side and I prefer a harder sharpness in my photos it is still a really nice all-round lens that can do many situations instantly. It is also equipped with the VR function to reduce shakiness when hand-held and that should be a great help today.

Here are some street shots that I have done earlier which are not half-bad but I don’t feel confident I can actually ”make” the photos the way I really want them. So this will be a very interesting test for me.

"Rain and reflection" - Kingston Upon Hull, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Dark and Light
"Black Side - White Side", Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire, United Kingdom

South end of Stockholm
"Nightfall over Stockholm" - Shot from the roof of the highest building in Stockholm, the old tax office.

The Light Comes In
"The Light Comes In" - There is a crack in everything, that's how the light comes in, Leonard Cohen. Shot in Gamla Stanm, Stockholm

The walk starts at hornstull at Högalidskyrkan (the church) and then we are off in smaller groups. The walk ends at Mosebacke. I will of course post pictures as they are developed after the walk. The weather looks nice still and I hope we get a really nice evening in town!

I am also considering trying out IR photography in this setting. It could be difficult of course but I think it could be interesting. But this means I have to lugh around my tripod – something that has never been a problem before but it is of course time consuming to set it up to shoot when everyone else snaps a picture and moves on but I think that it would be cool.

So this is my plan equipment-wise:

  • Camera D70s
  • Lens: Zoom-Nikkor AF-S VR 18-200 f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF
  • Micro-fibre lens cloth of course
  • Circular polarizer Ø72mm
  • IR filter Ø72mm
  • Extra battery camera
  • Memory cards
  • Tripod with shoulder sling bag
  • Towel to protect camera if there is rain


I remember when I got my first fishing rod, I must have been around five years old. My first task was to try to find some worms to put on the hook in order to bait the fish, it was my father who helped me and told me how to get fish to take the bait.

Fishing at lake Mälaren down at the old steam boat jetty.

I have ever since enjoyed fishing although I don’t do it very often these days here in Stockholm. This picture was taken as I strolled past a young fella who was trying to put his bait on and I suddenly remembered these old times again.

One of my first jobs was working at a place where fishing equipment was made. Something I did in the summer when I was 16. I enjoyed it very much and I had the opportunity then to spend my money earned on fishing gear which I thought was well spent at the time! Since then the catches I have done (fishwise) are easily counted, but I still have the gear I bought then – in pristine condition.

Sunday Walk with Camera

I set off on a sunday walk and brought the camera along. On purpose I only took my 50mm lens because I really like to find more and more ways of using it.

Before the Rain
This is a panoramal. I shot seven pictures handheld with the 50mm in portrait orientation, then stitched them togehter in photoshop and added transformations to perspective correct it and then saved it as JPEG. Here is the result. You really should view it large...

Fortsätt läsa Sunday Walk with Camera

Worldwide Photo Walk – Stockholm

Redigerad 080811: Det är nu femtio personer anmälda till WPW-Stockholm och det är fullt hus! Jag hoppas att vi ses nu den 23:e!
Edit 080811: There are now fifty people signed up for the WPW-Stockholm event, which is the limit! Hope to see you on the 23rd!

Link: Worldwide Photo Walk – Stockholm, Sweden | Worldwide Photo Walk.


Den 23 augusti kommer det att anordnas en ”Photo Walk” i flera städer över hela världen. Vi har tur att ha fått en värd för detta event i Stockholm, läs mer om detta på länken ovan och anmäl er.

Antalet platser är begränsat till 50 personer så anmäl er nu om ni vill vara med. Se sajten ovan för mer information om denna Photo Walk.


On the 23rd of August there is a huge event world wide with prices to win for those who take the coolest or nicest picture. We are lucky here in Stockholm that we have got a host for this event.

The number of places are limited to 50 people, so sign up now if you wish to join in! Read more about it on the link above!

Stockholm City