Alla inlägg av Ichimusai

My Rings

My rings
These are my rings, the engagement ring and the wedding ring. The runic inscription is our names and the two rings complete each other. The runes are old norse writing used by the vikings. Detta är mina ringar, förlovningsring och vigselring. Det är Jeanette som gjort ringarna och inskriptionen är gamla runor med våra namn på.

The Ring

This is my fiancee Jeanette working on a new ring. I was around to take some pictures and I am always impressed with what she can do with some tools and a bit of metal :)

Working on the rings
Working on the ring
Ten diamonds in a ring
The result

Alternativ programvara | Alternative software

There is an interesting site that has been started that shows you alternative software to some of the most commonly used commercial softwares out there. I poked around a bit and I liked what I saw.

Det finns en sajt som visar alternativa program för några av de mest använda kommersiella mjukvarupaketen. Många alternativ är också helt gratis eller har möjligen en liten registreringsavgift för att kunna användas fullt ut.

Korsetten | The Corset

En av bilderna som jag har tagit när vi körde ”franska kort” i studion sist har hamnat etta på tio-i-topp listan över ”fine art” på Stort tack till en kanonmodell att jobba med också!

(Jag är ganska stolt)

Bilden på Karin är tagen under vår session för "franska kort" i studion sist. Jag är ganska stolt över en förstaplacering måste jag säga! Efterbehandling i Adobe Lightroom och Photoshop CS3.
Bilden på Karin är tagen under vår session för "franska kort" i studion sist. Jag är ganska stolt över en förstaplacering måste jag säga! Efterbehandling i Adobe Lightroom och Photoshop CS3.

One of my pictures from the last studion session with Karin when we did ”french postcards” has been ranked #1 on the top-ten list of fine art pictures at the model site ”” here in Sweden.  Thanks to the great model as well!

(I’m pretty proud of that)

Brazilians hacks satellites for personal communications


Apparently resurceful people in Brazil have learned how they can use modified HAM radio equipment and satellite dishes to hijack military transponder satellites to use as a country-wide radio network.

It all started with a radio station that realized they could use the transponders to broadcast a radio signal and today many people from truckers to drug runners are using the satellites to broadcast warning information or just chatter about the latest football score.

Quite impressive! Using the US Navy’s Fleet Satellite Communications System like this is excellent stuff! :)

Here is the story in Wired

Hackers Stole Joint Strike Fighter Plans

Hackare piratkopierade Joint Strike Fighter – Ny Teknik.

China vs. Pentagon
China vs. Pentagon

Hackers stole plans for Joint Strike Fighter II. The Swedish paper ”Ny Teknik” (mainly an engineering and technology news paper) reports today that what seems to be Chinese hackers have broken into the most secret parts of Pentagon and stolen the secret plans of the Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. 

The Wall Street Journal cites that the hacks were performed during 2007 and 2008 and several terbytes of data where stolen.  The attacks came through a supplier in Turkey via the Lockheed facility there.

The american defense forces are now taking measures to increase their IT security. 

The cost of developing the JSF is one of the most prestigious and expensive projects undertaken and the stolen data could possibly be used by someone to analyze the JSF for its weaknesses and develop an effective defense against it.