Europride 2008 – Stockholm

More pictures here!

Rainbow Flag
The rainbow flag, the symbol for the pride movement globally.

We sat out pretty early anticipating a lont of people in town for the big pride parade. This year bigger than anything seen before and although the weather was not so nice it was already people on Hornsgatan, one of the major spots where people gather to see the parade, at eleven in the morning, two hours before the start and three hours before they were expected to arrive at this location.

After a brief breakfast at Café Puck we staked out a good position slightly above the street the parade was going to come through. The weater then quickly turned to worse and a light drizzle started. And then it turned into showers and then quite heavy rain. Did not matter, people were gathering by the thousands anywat.

A 152 groups were marching today and countless of other people, supporting and cheering. Notable events from the parade were the Gay Police community, proud parents to LGBT children and nothing could hold back the lovely mood, not even the pouring rain!

I think the best moment that I had from the whole parade was the proud parents when they walked in, the cheer that rose from the crowd was ear-deafening and the appaluds never seems to cease! It was heart warming to say the least.

I had good use for the towel that I have on my list to bring always for excursions, but of course this time I forgot it and was saved by Jeanette who brought one! (She does that a lot. Saves me, that is.)

The light conditions were far from ideal, it was raining and it was difficult to get the shutter times required to freeze motion, therefore you will see some motion blurring in the pictures, and I needed to use the 18-200 lens this time to be able to capture both wide angles and zoom in on single faces. Wit an aperture from f/3,5-5,6 it was sometimes difficult to get good exposures. But some of the pictures came out pretty good in my own opinion.

This effect is not post-processed but created byt zooming and shooting at low shutter speed at the same time.

Fortsätt läsa Europride 2008 – Stockholm

Action shots in Iceland

I had the great fortune to go to Iceland in my line of work and on top of it being able to negotiate a stay over the weekend thus cutting the cost for the flight in half and being able to do some sight-seeing in this fabulous country.

We set off by bus and went to many interesting places – but one of my absolute favourites were the hot spring area with the geysirs. It was fantastic! Even in the chilly Icelandic winter (the cold is not so bad, being Swedish I expected even colder weather but the Atlantic moderates the temperature) with not a dry cold but a rather humid damp cutting through bone and marrow coldness that was unexpected and hard to describe.

Anyway, coming to the Geysir fields was a real experience. The geysir ”Strokkur” erupted every 8-12 minutes or so and I waited in the biting wind, bare hands with red knuckles holding my camera tight looking for the sign of eruption.

Just before it blows the water rises and looks like it is about to overflow, then it settles back again and just seconds after there is a rather strange gurgling-splashing noise as the whole thing blows water and steam about 30 meters (100 ft) straight into the air. It’s spectacular, and if you really want to shoot some interesting phenomenon I think Iceland would be lovely.

There are of course many other interesting places in Iceland as well certainly, more about them in coming posts.

Here some pictures of Strokkur:






Shooting these photos was not too difficult, I used a ”point and shoot” camera called The E8700 one of Nikons finest PaS and although it is not an SLR it takes some rather nice pictures. It was the camera I used before getting the D70. I actually stepped down in megapixels but the quality of a proper SLR is worth it.

I was using the camera in serial-take mode taking about 5 photos per second. Not all photos were used and I had to get pictures from about three eruptions before I had all the pictures I wanted. It did take some experimenting. The whole thing, from when it starts to look like it is time to blow to the eruption has finished takes around 5-10 seconds. Make sure you can maintain the high speed shooting for all this time.

In some cameras this means you have to reduce the image size  or quality, for example in RAW+JPEG mode I can only shoot up to 4 consecutive images before the camera lose speed. If I select BASIC JPEG as format then I can shoot a hundre pictures easily and not hit the restrictions in the camera. Sacrificing quality for speed is sometimes necessary.

More modern cameras such as the Nikon D300 can do much better than this. Even up to 8 pictures a second with the battery grip and pack! That would be excellent to use.

Worldwide Photo Walk – Stockholm

Redigerad 080811: Det är nu femtio personer anmälda till WPW-Stockholm och det är fullt hus! Jag hoppas att vi ses nu den 23:e!
Edit 080811: There are now fifty people signed up for the WPW-Stockholm event, which is the limit! Hope to see you on the 23rd!

Link: Worldwide Photo Walk – Stockholm, Sweden | Worldwide Photo Walk.


Den 23 augusti kommer det att anordnas en ”Photo Walk” i flera städer över hela världen. Vi har tur att ha fått en värd för detta event i Stockholm, läs mer om detta på länken ovan och anmäl er.

Antalet platser är begränsat till 50 personer så anmäl er nu om ni vill vara med. Se sajten ovan för mer information om denna Photo Walk.


On the 23rd of August there is a huge event world wide with prices to win for those who take the coolest or nicest picture. We are lucky here in Stockholm that we have got a host for this event.

The number of places are limited to 50 people, so sign up now if you wish to join in! Read more about it on the link above!

Stockholm City

Histogram och Exponeringskontroll

This is a translation of this article into Swedish.

En av de mest användbara sakerna som en digitalkamera har begåvats med är det så kallade histogrammet som är ett diagram som visar hur en bild har exponerats. Detta histogram visar sig ofta helt ovärderligt när det gäller att bedöma hur bra en exponering blev, särskilt som de flesta kamerors display har ett mycket begränsat omfång och det är svårt att bedöma exponeringen genom att bara titta på bilden.
Fortsätt läsa Histogram och Exponeringskontroll

Review: Nikkor DX AF-S VR 18-200/3.5-5.6G ED-IF

The idea of a one-lens-fits-all is extremely alluring, and I can say that when I heard Nikon was coming out with this lens I was lined up in queue to get it. I ordered it in May 2006 and received it in August. The lens must have been one of Nikons best selling of all times since it was impossible to find in stores for several months due to unanticipated demands.
Fortsätt läsa Review: Nikkor DX AF-S VR 18-200/3.5-5.6G ED-IF

Study of a Rose

Recently Jeanette bought some nice potted flowers and that prompted me to whip out the camera again to try to make a study of a rose petal. This flower that has been the theme of many songs, paintings, music, love letter, photographs and even statues still fascinates people and the florists comes up with new hybrids every now and then.

I have used the Tamron 90mm f/2.8 to take these pictures since it gives me the best control over the focus depth and also allows very close range focusing.

SB-600 flash used to even up the lighting a bit in TTL-BL (balanced) mode.

A Study of a Rose

Rose Petal

Hälleboda in Infrared

I decided to take my bike down to the nearby lake Mälaren where there is an old steam boad jetty and used to be a small cottage farm. This place is called Hälleboda and it is said to be haunted by an old lady, the last inhabitants of Hälleboda.

She is said to have been very mean, she whipped any kids that came too close with a horse-whip and she was generally very much disliked. One night when she was sleeping the house burned down to the ground and she died in the fire. Noone knows what exactly happened but it is told that she still haunts this place.

I decided to shoot some infrared and this is the result.



Fishing boat

Nikkor Lens Designations


There is a lot of confusion among people on the net who recently bought a Nikon digital camera. So I was trying to clear up this concept once and for all. Please link to this site if you run a mailing list or similar where this question comes up now and then.

Nikkor is the brand of lenses produced by Nikon corporations. A lot of people refer to them simply as Nikon brand lenses or Nikon lenses. Don’t get confused, the trading name these lenses are sold under are Nikkor. Fortsätt läsa Nikkor Lens Designations

Alien Life

BWP green

This was one of my first creative photos where I did lots of post-processing in order to get the effect I was looking for. The phot was taken a cold winter night, the structure you can see are the branches of a tree. The black mist is the smoke from me exhaling in front of the camera just as the photo was taken.

In post-process I have colorized it green then inverted the dark areas for the bright ones. The smoke and branches are therefore brightly lit by the flash in the original picture but turned dark in post-process. Fortsätt läsa Alien Life

Glass Bottle : Tullamore Dew

Rough Country - Smooth WhiskEy

One of the more difficult things to light are glassware and bottles containing liquids. I experimented quite some time before I got something that was reasonable here. I am using a cheap light tent to get an even spread of the lights here and it still took some doing.

I am using two tungsten lights of 50 W each and my SB-600 flash aimed at the background. Camera WB is set for tungsten so the flash becomes very blu-ish in color which was the idea, this masks the creases and wrinkles in the white backdrop for some reason. Fortsätt läsa Glass Bottle : Tullamore Dew

Photos and other rants