The Public Records Building

Last saturday we set out about 11 hobby photographers to the old Public Records building here in Stockholm. It was my Flickr aquaintance Björn Sahlström who had been able to get access to the building and we entered it with camers, tripods, bags of lenses and other gear to have a good time. The building is fairly large so we quickly spread out and did not have to step on each other’s toes at all really.

Strolling through the empty halls that used to hold all the stat public records and books was a strange feeling, I had never been there, some of the others had been on a guided tour and quickly went to photograph what they knew to be well worth taking a look at.

This building is called ”Riksarkivet” in Swedish and was built around 1880 with the intention of being able to withstand a fire. From the beginning the archive was only open during the light hours of the day because they did not want open flames or even electricity inside. Therefore it has huge windows to let enough light in for people to be able to work there with reasearch or book keeping tasks of various kinds.

Public Records Building
The facade of the wondeful building is made from a special type of engineering brick in red and black. The architecture is referred to as neo-renaissance. It was the building of the Swedish publick records from 1890 ca and forward into modern times when it was moved to a new building. This house has been empty since then and is a wonderful place to visit.
This is the entrance of the old public records building here in Stockholm. It is a grand design and quite impressive when you are standing outside it. Notice the word "RIKSARKIVET" on top of the door? There is also a light on inside that shows through the stained glass window.
The famous Stairwell
The grand entrance is well known and famous!
Floor Stone
More Electricity
At first they did not want electricity in the building at all. That is why they went for such big beautiful windows. But in the end they still had problems with soot on the windows from the near by train track and decided that some electricity was okay for lights and reading lamps.
The Old Elevator
Elevator. Once no electricity at all because of the fire hazard but still this elevator was installed. The engine for it was compartmentalized in a fire proof encasing in the basement of the building. The elevator was delivered by a company called "Allmänna svenska elektriska aktiebolaget" which is today better known as ASEA - one of the biggest companies in Sweden...
Archive Room
Archive room. Notice the plastic skeleton someone has hung in the leftmost window?
Book Slide
The Book Slide or "bokstörten" as it is called in Swedish. This invention was added to the stair case in the days of the second world war. The idea being that should Sweden become attacked by an aggressor in the war, then the archives and books here could be loaded onto ships fast using this book slide to slide them down to the water front and then they could be sailed off to some secure location.
Another shot of the famous book slide, this time from beneath.
Elevator Floor Indicator
Elevator indicator indicating which floor the elevator is located at. The readings indicates "top floors 1-3" where the actual indicator is located on top floor 1 and then middle floor I guess some would call that the Mezzanine and then the two bottom floors in the building. Strange way to give names to the floors but since this was the first elevator installed in a public building in Sweden I guess they found a better way later on.
Hot water connections
Heating water details. The plumbing is quite cool here, craftmanship and artwork at the same time. I found myself having a bit of a problem with shooting details this time, something I need to work on I think because I came home with a lot of different rooms in my camera but not so many details and sometimes it is the details that really gives you the feeling for something. Or as the expression goes - the devil is in the details...
Column Radiator
Column radiator - these radiators are quite fantastic being a design from the 1880:s. They are hollow inside and the cold air at the floor level enters through the grates at the bottom, gets heated and rises to exit at the top creating a chimney effect that will circulate the air in the room to avoid moisture and dampness. Of course the outside also radiates heat and aids in the convection. And on top of that they are rather beautiful to look at in my opinion.
Archive Room
Another of the famous archive rooms. That's me up on the balustrade there using the camera self timer.
Reading Room Table
The reading room / study / board room. I love the details in this room, look at the drawers in the table for temporarily putting away what you are not reading at the moment and look at the lamps integrated in the design to cast a nice reading light over the table when the huge windows are not sufficient for the light in the winter time. Look at the balustrade around the whole room where you can walk around it. This is one of the most fascinating rooms in this building.
An attic light - I found this light in the attic and it seems a more modern design than many other lights, perhaps something put in in the seventies or eighties when these spaces where being used. I liked the radiosity of light on the beams and so I managed to make three separate exposures and combine them for this photograph which is a proper HDR photo.
Light on the floor
The light on the floor again on one of the upper levels in the building. The huge windows served the purpose of providing enough light for working in the building before there was any electrical lights in here. Eventually the fear of fire subsided and electricity was installed and one of the reasons was that the windows was subjected to a lot of soot from the nearby railway where the steam engines went past hourly.
Stair Case Heater
The hallway - I love the stone floor and the way the radiator is integrated into the wall of the stairwell like this, it is a really good design. Notice how they left space at the top for the air to move freely creating that "chimney effect" in order to make the heater much more efficient than conventional radiators.
A Commode
The commode - one of the toilets with a good view out over the old town in Stockholm and wonderful light from the window. Notice the nice radiator from the heating system, all built in so you can't burn yourself on it even if it is really hot. The insulation was not that good so in the winter the heaters worked pretty hard to keep the moisture and dampness at bay.
One of the archive rooms with the shelves intact. All the papers, books and everything else is long gone from this place but here the shelves remains. Probably most of the archive rooms looked like this with narrow paths between the shelves where librarians and intendents could find the acts, protocols and other things that was requested perhaps by the government.
Room with a View
A splendid view through one of the magnificient windows. This is in the same archive room as the last picture was taken, just looking out the window. I think I could live here :-)
Details from the elevator. It reads: "Instruction. Make sure doors and gates are closed properly after you have entered or exited the elevator. Use the buttons accordingly to their markings and then allow the lift after it has started to stop by itself. Never open the gates when the elevator is running. People under the age of majority are not allowed to operate this elevator alone."
Reading Light
A reading light with a classic design. Since light bulbs caused lots of heat there is a kind of "stick" where you can grab and angle the light even if it is too hot to touch directly.
Decorated Ceiling
What can you say other than this magnificient roof is just splendidly preserved.
Reading Table
Here is the reading room or board roam again, this time with the camera facing the windows.

Exam passed

So today was the day after three days of studying the TRI regs (trafiksäkerhetsinstruktion) and two tunnel walks track side in the Stockholm Metro with the last one guiding a bunch of people watching our for their security and acting as a lookout for oncoming trains I officially passed the category 16 examination.

I missed one point on the examination and got only 49/50 and that was a silly silly mistake because I rushed the question a bit. Darn.

I am now officially allowed to guide people track side, feels pretty good :)

Scott Kelby Second Annual Photowalk, Stockholm

Photo Walk Stockholm this is the second annual Scott Kelby Photo Walk arranged in Stockholm. Make sure you mark the date 18 July off in your calendar and then join in by clicking the link above.

Välkommen till den andra årliga Scott Kelby Photo Walk (kamerapromenad) här i stockholm. Om du har lust att vara med så kom med den 18 juli. Läs mer på länken ovan!

Walking Path Infrared

FRA-spaning skjuts upp


Riksdagens borgerliga majoritet har beslutat att skjuta upp starten för FRA:s kabelsignalspaning med 2 månader till den 1:a december i år.  Skälet anges vara att regeringens arbete med att göra kompletteringar till signalspaningslagen för att förbättra rättssäkerheten har dragit ut på tiden.

Från den första december måste dock teleoperatörerna föra över all trafik till särskilda knutpunkter där den kan bearbetas statistiskt och lagras för efteranalys.

För kommunikation som man inte önskar alla skall kunna läsa på vägen rekommenderas att titta på programpaketet gpg4win som gör det möjligt att kryptera all kommunikation över email med mera. Stark kryptografi är ett mycket användbart medel för att skydda den personliga integriteten och ju fler som bestämmer sig för att börja använda det rutinmässigt desto mindre konstigt och svårare blir det att utföra statistisk analys för de som skall övervaka oss.

Passa på innan det beslutas om att det skall bli olagligt att använda kryptering för personligt bruk!

Mina nycklar hittar du här.


Detta är en manuellt tillverkad HDR-bild. HDR betyder ”high dynamic range” och gör att man kan komprimera en bilds tonomfång på ett sätt så att man både kan exponera för mörka och ljusa partier samtidigt. I detta fall har jag tagit två stycken bilder, en som är korrekt exponerad för det man ser genom vindrutan och en bild exponerad för manöverpanelen på tåget. Sedan har jag lagt dessa bilder som två olika lager i Photoshop, lagt på en lagermask och sedan ”målat fram” bilden i vindrutan över den andra exponeringen. Till sist har jag plattat till bilden, sparat den som TIFF och konverterat en kopia till JPEG.

Bilden är tagen under en radiosystemstestning när vi åkte pendeltåg mellan Södertälje och Gnesta.

Commuter Train

This is a manually made HDR by the way. HDR means ”high dynamic range” and is a technique to compress the tonal range from several pictures so that you can expose for dark and light parts at the same time. Two exposures necessary, one with the proper settings to expose the outdoors properly and one to expose the instrumentation. Then I put them together in Photoshop, applied a layer mask and then painted through the instrument panel, flattened the image, saved as a TIFF and exported as a JPEG.

This picture was taken when we were doing radio system test drives last tuesday and we had great fun in the older trains (which I prefer, the X1/X6 and X10 rather than the new X60).

Free Programming Books

DSC_5834 RKRM set of books
Amiga Books

Free Programming Books covers most of the today programming languages and many you did never take a look at (or need) from the past.  All books are ebooks free for download and may be an assistance to you if you are learning a new language or just want to brush up your knowledge for some reason.

There are 338 books in this collection so you will have plenty to read for a while now!

Jean-Michel Jarre in Stockholm

My first record that I spend my hard-saved money on as a boy was of Jean-Michel Jarre and the other he released followed quickly and these were my first records that I played to the death on my parents stero.  I re-invested in his music when they came out on CD and was also the reason for me to get a CD player (to transfer to cassette so I could listen in my Walkman) and therefore when I heard he was doing his second oxygene tour here in Stockholm I of course got tickets for it.


Image courtesy of Jokuno / Flickr
Image courtesy of Jokuno / Flickr

The entrance was grand, through a curtain of laser light but from there the concert was a bit flat. People in the audience was really more listeners than participants. The light show was just outright brilliant and well orchestrated and the sound was great in the old ice-hockey rink of Hovet near the Globe (where he played the last time but the sound was not very good there) and that saved the concert.

He did most of his well known routine and then thanked the audience and went of the stage. People then called him back and this is when things started to get really interesting, this is where the concert really takes off. People are standing, shouting, whistling clapping their hands and Jarre makes a splendid performance. The extra numbers are long, well though out and he gets called in a second time to do even more of that and practically this is the real concert and it was topped by a great finale.

The concert then ended just as he had entered – drawing back through a curtain of brilliant laser light and afterwards I felt that this was a really good concert even thugh the first part was a bit stiff and flat the extras recovered well.

Go see it.

Datalagringsdirektivet – Bodströms arv

I princip innebär förslaget att alla telekomoperatörer måste spara uppgifter om vem som gjort vad och kommunicerat med vem i minst 6 månaders tid.  Efter domen mot Pirate Bay har flera operatörer tagit många marknadsandelar genom att meddela att man inte lagrar uppgifter längre än absolut nödvändigt för att kunna sköta sin egen verksamhet.

Det blir nu slut med det. Regeringen antog i går en lagrådsremiss som innebär att telekomföretagen i enlighet med det europeiska datalagringsdirektivet måste spara sådana uppgifter i minst sex månader. Det har höjts röster mot den radering av uppgifter som vissa telekombolag utfört – inte mist från polisen som är rädd för att de skall bli utan möjlighet att använda uppgifterna i brottsbekämpningssyfte.

Det föreslås i lagrådsremissen att även misslyckade uppringningar och obsesvarade samtal skall lagras, på samma sätt skall även positionen för en mobiltelefon under hela samtalet, inte bara där det påbörjades, lagras. Denna lagrådsremiss är ett arbete som påbörjades av Thomas Bodström (S) inom EU för flera år sedan och har nu kommit i kapp oss, lagom till andra nya lagar som FRA-lagen, IPRED, domen mot The Pirate Bay-folket och är en kugge i en rad åtgärder som görs för att stärka inte minst skivbolagens ställning på marknaden.

Efter lagrådsremissen kommer en proposition som väntas antas i juni månad. Förmodligen blir lagen tvingande till hösten.

Do you want to know more? »

The victims of Swine Pest

Who are the real victims of the recent Influenza A/H1N1, also known as Swine Flu, scare from the media? Of all the cases of people who unfortunately got infected there were 26 deaths and still it got a whooping rating of 5 out of 6 on the WHO pandemic scale, the highest rating anything ever has got on the scale since its start in 2005 (just after the last scare the bird flu). 

It is clear that this scale is not based on the actual lethality or how easy people are infected, a normal flu that we have yearly kills somewhere around 500 000 people (mostly those already sick or at a avery young or very advanced age) world wide and infects millions and it never get more than a ”yeah whateva” from the WHO pandemic scale – the . Where is the sense for proportions here?

I even had several people sending emails, almost daily about buying stocks of gloves, breathing masks, handwash alcohol, sterilization fluids and other such good to have if the Great Pandemic should strike us down.

Let’s take a look at what actually happened. The three top nations had the following statistics:

Mexico: 1 112 cases, 42 deaths
USA:  653 cases, 1 death
Canada: 165 cases, 0 deaths.

Out of a total of 1 930 confirmed cases in three countries there were 43 deaths.

The name itself provoked some responses, Egypt took the chance to rid the country of some 250 000 pigs because of it. Other nations had similar responses, some of the more extreme left-wing people in in Europe started to demand new vaccine factories being built.

For this people where hammered in the media with article after article about how to isolate themselves from the greater society and avoid the pig plague by avoiding contact with other people. The economical cost of the scare when people starts hamstering medicine and canned food is outrageous. In Australia people where told by local goverment no less to stock up for at least two weeks worth of food, for their personal survival.

Whole communities in the US shut down schools, work places and public office buildings for no other reason than fear based in the drummed up scare tactics of the public media conglomerates. Even when the more scientifically sound organisations finally came out and tried to calm people down they did not get by far the same headlines as the stories designed to scare people got.

Cuba closed all air traffic with Mexico, other countries followed suit leaving people there on holiday stranded for fear of a pandemy that already showed all signs of being low-risk.

I find this to be total madness.

Photos and other rants